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What do you eat before working out?

I like to workout in the morning before I go to work but I am not sure what to eat before I go workout. I heard you shouldn't eat anything that is hard for your body to digest. Should I only eat fruit?
What do you eat before you workout?

Thu. Apr 24, 8:13am

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1/4 cup oatmeal w/ 1/8th cup mixed dried fuit + cayenne and cinnamon 40 mins before am workout - works great for me for 1.5 years

Thursday, April 24, 2008, 10:14 AM

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Sometimes I don't eat anything, which some say is bad, but I am usually still feeling good by the end of the workout. When I do eat, I keep it to a protein shake or a banana and toast with peanut butter. Anything heavier and I usually feel like I'm going to throw up.

Thursday, April 24, 2008, 10:21 AM

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It's hard for me to eat in the morning before my workout, but I always try to anyway. I can always make it through a workout even if I didn't eat, but I can tell that I'm not running as fast or lifting as hard as if I had eaten. But because I like to get up as late as possible before my workout and because I'm never hungry, oatmeal would be impossible for me. I usually grab a Kashi trail mix bar or a piece of fruit that I eat on the way to the gym. No problems with digesting and the energy really helps.

Thursday, April 24, 2008, 10:38 AM

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pre long run breakfasts tips :

Thursday, April 24, 2008, 10:54 AM

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If I workout at 5:30am, then I eat nothing, but have lots of water while exersizing.

If I workout at 9:00am, then I eat 1 piece of plain bread and 2 egg whites, plus my vitamins.

I've noticed that even when I workout early, I'm not hungry. Guess my body is used to eating at certain times.

Thursday, April 24, 2008, 11:40 AM

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Learn your body and how it reacts to different choices. I do the 5am work out one day a week, the rest is after work. I started doing my egg whites with a slice of eziekel toast....i was ok, i just had to make sure I got up early enough to eat and let it digest a second, so I wasnt working out on a full stomach. One morning I had no eggs left, so i ate steel cut oats and a slice of eziekel toast. All carbs. AMAZING difference in my performance. Try different foods, and different amounts. However, you should never lift weights on an empty stomach. Good luck!

Thursday, April 24, 2008, 1:28 PM

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I drink muscle helps a lot

Friday, April 25, 2008, 11:33 AM

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Luna bars! Yum. (They have a lot of sugar though so be sure to keep that in mind when you make the rest of your daily choices.)

Friday, April 25, 2008, 2:56 PM

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OP - how do you feel before or after you work out in the mornings? There was a great article in Runner's World about eating before running. Three different runners, three different responses to food before their morning run. One was felt indifferent, one felt energized, and one felt nauseated. Moral of the story - do what works for you. Few of us here are elite athletes where it would make much of a difference!

Saturday, April 26, 2008, 12:09 PM

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Those little individual cottage cheeses with fruit, 110 cal with tons of protein.

Sunday, April 27, 2008, 8:27 AM

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MetRX bar - not a good idea ;(

Wow, I had a long run this morning 9.5 miles and I read somewhere that a balance bar is good so I got a 310 cal. MetRX protein bar, but didn't worry about the soy etc... ate 1/2 last night ad 1/2 this morning in addition to my regular bkfst.

well I felt pretty nauseous mile 3-6 and wanted to give up. I have to run to the bathroom a coupla times.
live and learn...bummer

Monday, April 28, 2008, 10:49 AM

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