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Vegan Cheese

Hi! I was wondering if anyone out there has suggestions for good/decent vegan cheese? I'm extremely skeptical about whether these products are any good, but I'm interested in trying them. Thanks!

Mon. Feb 6, 1:21pm

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I have had mostly disappointing results with them. Don't expect them to melt or stretch like regular cheese.

One product that I found and love is Tofutti Pizza Pizzaz - they're frozen french bread pizzas and the vegan cheese is really excellent. It's made with their mozzerella cheese, so maybe the slices wouldn't be that bad.

Monday, February 06, 2006, 1:57 PM

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Sadly, I also am having a hard time with the vegan cheese. They have a tendency to taste a little like chalk, and they don't melt well (I love grilled cheese sandwiches!). I've just learned to go without cheese...

Monday, February 06, 2006, 3:09 PM

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I, too, go without cheese. I've heard that the uncheese cookbook is a good place for recipes. You can buy it from amazon.

Monday, February 06, 2006, 4:34 PM

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Also, look into nutritional yeast. When mixed with soy milk, it makes a melty, cheesy substance for macaroni and cheese. Can have a weird taste to some, but some love it. It's loaded with B12, too.

Monday, February 06, 2006, 5:28 PM

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Vegan Cheese

Hi, there. Not sure if what I am referring to is considered, officially, "vegan" cheese, but it is considered to be "veggie" cheese. I buy it and I love it. And I am very particular about what I will eat, so I don't sacrifice the taste of something just because an item is supposed to be "healthy". They have different products that are shredded, or sliced, or even grated. The brand is called "Veggie" and you can find the products at Kroger or Albertson's. I buy the "Veggie" parmesan cheese and if you didn't know it was made from soy, you would never ever tell the difference. It tastes, appears and smells like real parmesan cheese, yet it's made of soy. I stock up whenever I can, because I never know if one day they'll stop stocking them at the supermarkets I go to. They also make several types of shredded veggie cheese and they too are made from soy and when I put them in my soups or eat them just out of the bag, the taste it good. The only product I think doesn't have the same good taste are the veggie cheese slices. Those are edible, but in my opinion, not as good as the rest of their products. Good luck and drop me a note if you have any other questions. I'd be curious to hear what you thought of the taste.

Monday, February 06, 2006, 9:49 PM

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Daiya cheese is so good!

You can get it in blocks but I prefer the shredded kind. They have mozzarella, orange cheddar and cheddar with halepenos. It melts and makes awesome grilled cheese sandwiches or healthy pizza! It's called Daiya. good luck!

Friday, March 09, 2012, 7:36 PM

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I LOVE Daiya cheese, too. I use it in everything. It does melt well, stretches and tastes really good for fake cheese.

Saturday, March 10, 2012, 4:21 PM

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