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Complex ovarian cist, how normal is this really!

I have just gotten a sonogram after 4 cycles of unbelievable pain during ovulation and at the onset of my cycle. The last time I called my dr. at night crying because I couldn't manage my pain.

The sonogram shows my right ovary has a complex septated cist just about 2cm. I have another dr appointment with a specialist next week to follow up and surgery planned for June. I was also told that after they take out the cist they would send it for biopsy.

I went to a medical advice site and panicked when someone posted that most of these types of cists are malignant. Then again a poster later said 99% of these cists are benign.

Can anyone tell me personally if you have gone through this? I am chewing my nails with so many unknown things. I also want to EAT EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN TO COMPENSATE FOR MY STRESS!!!!

If you have gone through this, please post.

Thank you.

Thu. May 8, 9:54pm

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I had one in 1980. Oh so painful! I blacked out several times just from the pain. The damn thing had "tendrils" (as the doctor referred to them) that completely wrapped around my ovary and part way around my fallopian tube. They were able to free the fallopian tube but couldn't separate the cyst from the ovary so they removed the ovary with it. It was benign.

From then on I only had a cycle every other month, and I had a baby 2 years later. So it didn't affect fertility in any other way (except that I only released an egg every other month).

Saturday, May 10, 2008, 8:34 AM

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8:34 Thanks for the post. I am going today for another dr appointment. I am a little anxious.

Yes the pain is unbelievable. Last month I was shaking, it was so hard to handle. The word biopsy freaks me out. I am trying to just stay calm. A post like yours helps to ease the anxiety. You have had a very normal life after with no cancer.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008, 6:38 AM

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I've scheduled surgery for next month. The dr. said he would probably take the entire ovary.

Anyone had experience here?

Your advice is appreciated.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008, 10:08 PM

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