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I am a disabled vet with brain trauma and am trying to find the best exercises to help lose weight, tone muscle and not cause my migraines to get worse than they already are.
I tried talking to the VA but they just tell me to take it easy and workout in a pool (something that is nowhere near where I live). I ran before the injury, but can't because the impact is too much to take.
Any suggests?

Thu. May 15, 7:21pm

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Have you tried riding a bicycle? It is less jarring and may be easier to do.

Thursday, May 15, 2008, 7:23 PM

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I can very much relate - I have had back surgery and as a result there is very little left for padding between some of my vertabrae and I can't handle much impact at all. I find walking is ok - just concentrate on a smooth, easy stride whiche need not be slow. Keep up a 4 mph pace and walk 4 miles and that's 400 calories - do that every day and it works out to ~1 pound a week if you change nothing else.

I also find the elliptical is a wonderful low-impact, convenient work-out for me and I can make it a bit more challenging than walking - so I usually get my intense workout with the elliptical and then cool down with a walk.

Thursday, May 15, 2008, 7:52 PM

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Have you tried Yoga??? It's quite soothing and is also a fantastic workout. I used to think yoga would be easy until I actually tried it. It really helps for joints and muscles and posture.

Friday, May 16, 2008, 1:20 AM

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I second the yoga.

Friday, May 16, 2008, 7:53 AM

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Inline skating is a lot lower-impact than running, but will get you outside and moving if that's what you crave. It's good cardio and will build up your legs and rear end.

Friday, May 16, 2008, 9:29 AM

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7:52 here - I had considered inline skating - it looks so fun! However I CANNOT risk a bad fall - if I hit the ground wrong and hurt anything I could literally be immobilized for a long time and even possibly for good. At the very least the pain with be extra excruiating and I'll be limited in my activity for weeks. How easy is it? Do you fall down a lot or never?

I hate having limitations, but I've learned that if I don't accept them, respect them, and learn to live within them, that I'll pay the price and that price will be even more of them.

Friday, May 16, 2008, 1:48 PM

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Maybe talk to your doctor about inline skating. I know you can wear wristguards, elbowguards, kneepads, and helmets, but that doesn't do much for your back. I don't think anyone on an anonymous forum could give you great advice though. You know your own level of coordination, as well as what kinds of places you have to rollerblade. A paved path in a flat park would be great; sidewalks tend to be bumpy (the cracks between each square), and there is more to try to avoid. Streets are dangerous unless you live in a quiet neighborhood. Lots to consider!

Friday, May 16, 2008, 4:10 PM

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