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My best friends getting a face lift! Ugh!

I don't know. It just seems so superficial to me. Why can't people just age grcefully. There is nothing wrong with being old.

Wed. May 21, 11:16pm

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I think most people get facelifts because they are not happy with themselves.

I am young so I can only comment so much, but I stay out of the sun, and take care of my skin because I know it will help a lot of aging, although for those of the older population who didnt take care of themselves I dont think its a huge deal so long as they don't look like cats.

Some people may think losing weight is similar, no need to do so, whats wrong with being "full".

Look inside yourself and know that she told you because she trusts you and wants you to be supportive, you probably are a good person to have that kind of thing being told to you :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008, 11:53 PM

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Nooooooo..... Tell her not to do it! People who have had face lifts don't look younger -- they look like people with face lifts.

Thursday, May 22, 2008, 6:43 AM

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sounds like you're are jealous. Just because you don't mind getting old doesn't mean she has to be ok with it. be a great friend and be happy for her and celebrate it with her instead of judging.

Thursday, May 22, 2008, 8:42 AM

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ditto 8:42

Thursday, May 22, 2008, 8:47 AM

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It would be nice if everyone thought there was nothing wrong with aging, but it's obviously not the case. The appearance of women is given a lot more worth than it should, and anyone who looks at the internet, tv, magazines or watches movies knows that slim, toned, busty and young exteriors have the most social worth. Women who don't need to rely on their looks for a career usually resort to something as drastic as surgery because they are comparing themselves to these women and they can't deal with it. Far more people have plastic surgery than you might think--you only notice the obvious ones or the ones on people you've knows before who looked much different. When so many "normal" people are opting for ps, it only makes it harder because it raises the bar on what the norm is but that norm is only achieved unnaturally.

You might encourage her to get counseling before going under the knife, but usually if someone's decided to do this, they will. No amount of looking at botched up surgeries or health risks will convince them otherwise.

Thursday, May 22, 2008, 8:48 AM

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Is it just the plastic surgery that bothersome? What about dyeing your hair. Is that ok or no, covers up the gray but it's not natural aging. What about moisturizer, not natural either but helps the effects of aging.
I've been thinking about doing it myself and have asked myself all these same questions. If she's got the $4000 + to spare, there are better things that the money can go towards. But on the other hand, why not use the money for something that she wants to do.
Not all of it is going under the knife either. There are some other procedures that aren't that invasive.
I still haven't decided what I'm going to do but am curious why would you not want her to get it done?

Thursday, May 22, 2008, 3:35 PM

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I'm not the OP, but I can understand why it seems like you'd have to be a little diseased to want plastic surgery. It's like saying people do not look okay as they are and that you're better off having someone remake your face with scalpels and injections and cuts and pulls to "fix" your unacceptable, albeit natural, face. It doesn't directly hurt anyone for one person to get plastic surgery, but it does perpetuate some pretty unhealthy ideals and beliefs.

Thursday, May 22, 2008, 3:45 PM

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What's the difference between plastic surgery and any other kind of a remaking with other products, hair dyes and such.

Please be careful with how you phrase things also, you can come off as abrasive and off putting by using terms like "you must be a little diseased" If you can't be rational, don't respond.

Thursday, May 22, 2008, 7:10 PM

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What's wrong with wanting your outside to look as good as you feel on the inside?

Regardless - it's her choice and for the technology to be as advanced as it is, she's not the only one deciding it's for her. You may not want it for yourself, but what's wrong with supporting a friend's decision? It's her life and she gets a right to live it the way she'd like. I don't want to do all the things my friends do - doesn't mean I'm not happy for them if they're doing something that make them happy. Isn't that what's important?

Thursday, May 22, 2008, 7:16 PM

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One of the differences between plastic surgery and non-invasive procedures like dying your hair and moisturizer is that plastic surgery can be dangerous, disfiguring, etc. if botched. I know it's rare, but it's always a risk.

If you get a bad dye job, it'll grow out.

Thursday, May 22, 2008, 9:02 PM

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take care of ourselves

Just be sure to get a great doctor if you get plastic surgery. There really isn't enough information out there to help people find the best doctors. That would be the best help we could offer eachother in this regard. Good luck to your friend.


Thursday, May 22, 2008, 11:01 PM

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Plastic surgery is a personal decision. Some people really feel better having some specific work done. I think as long as it isn't habitual and your friend is looking for some minor improvements (miracles just don't happen). She will be fine.

Make sure she is going to a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who has a really good reputation and track record. Lots of people are doing plastic surgery these days and they don't have enough experience. Also she should do some research about the procedures she is having done. Some procedures work better than others

WebMD and other general medical web sites are good places to start.

Friday, May 23, 2008, 12:37 AM

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Another point for 3:45. Correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds like you are interpreting the question as a blanket statement on society. I think these are just one person's personal questions and thoughts and they're not making a statement on a generalized societal subject. I don't think one's person's choice to have a facelift is the same as their wearing a sign saying "old is unattractive"
Doesn't hair dye also "perpetuate the unhealthy ideals and beliefs" that hair shouldn't go gray? I hope these questions don't come across as rude, just looking for a good discussion:-)

Friday, May 23, 2008, 10:35 AM

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