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Technical questions

Anyone know where I can find answers to questions like, how do I add pictures when adding foods (every time I try, it doesn't work) or how do you add a recipe because each recipe is made up of several parts i.e. Homemade macaroni and cheese uses sauted onion, velveeta, one tbs of butter, and whole wheat macaroni. I have no idea how to put this together with all the nutritional information so that it will break down per serving.

I hope these aren't dumb questions but I'm new and have looked everywhere for these answers.

Thanks everyone.

Thu. Jul 31, 8:00pm

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Oh, and is there a way to get a total of calories per day or do I just need to keep track manually?

Thanks again.

Thursday, July 31, 2008, 8:01 PM

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PeerTrainer logs are designed so that you can write whatever you want. For instance, I put what I eat, how many calories, total it up, count how much water i take in, and my workouts/calories burned. You can make it as simple as just putting what you eat, without any nutritional information, or make it as detailed as you want. It's purpose is really to keep you accountable for what you eat and make it accessible for others to comment.

To add pictures, I believe there's a link "add pictures" or something like that when you're in log edit mode (click my log), but I'm not really sure.

You can keep track manually, by looking at nutrition labels or what I like to use is You put in your height and weight and it tells you how many calories to aim for daily to lose 1-2 pounds a week. You type in what restaurant, food, anything at all and they will usually have the nutrional information and you just click on the item, and add it to your menu for the day. It tells you what percentage of your diet is fat, carbs and protein which can be really helpful if you're looking to eat more healthy. It adds up your calories (you can even add your workouts and it'll subtract the calories). It has been the most helpful tool when it comes to keeping track of calories. With thedailyplate and peertrainer, you can't go wrong!

let me know how it works out!

Friday, August 01, 2008, 2:36 AM

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Thanks kristin23, I will definately check out

As for the pictures, I had one saved in My Pictures and tried to add it but it never uploaded. I will try again.

Friday, August 01, 2008, 11:03 AM

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