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Have any of you gone to CURVES? I reached my goal weight about a year ago and I walk/jog every day, but I know I need strength training as part of my exercise as well. My problem is I hate going to the gym. Do you think going to CURVES would qualify as STRENGTH TRAINING?????

Fri. Oct 10, 1:51am

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I go to Curves. I joined Aug. 11 of this year and love it. As far as strength training...I would say yes to someone who has reached goal weight. Since I have started Curves there is a noticable difference in the way my arms, legs, and waist look. They recommend 3 days a week...I go on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Give myself a day inbetween. There are women of all different sizes, shapes, and ages that go. At my Curves there is a young girl...late teens early 20's. Great shape, skinny but she is there 3 days a week. She can go circles around me! My advice is to go talk to them. They have different programs to meet the individual need of each person. Tell them what you are wanting and they most likely have a program to fit your need.


Friday, October 10, 2008, 5:23 AM

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Thanks Rena, I'll check it out!!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008, 5:54 PM

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I hate Curves. I tried it for a year and although I got slimmer, I couldn't really tone there. The timed nature of the machines makes it almost impossible to get the right kind of resistance in the right range of motion.
It might be a good starting point if you're just beginning, but otherwise I'd suggest going to a conventional gym, maybe a Lucille Roberts or other woman-friendly gym.

Friday, October 10, 2008, 6:19 PM

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There have been other threads about Curves. I went to one for a few months and ended my membership. The staff was poorly trained, knew little about fitness and expalined that you wouldn't lose weight at Curves unless you also bought their products (shakes, etc). I realize they are independently run but the one where I live is dangerous.

Friday, October 10, 2008, 7:22 PM

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I am sorry about your experience at Curves. The one I go to has never mentioned their products. I see them all over the "gym" but don't pay much attention to them. I enjoy going to Curves...went to talk to the "guy" type gym people and was treated like a freak! I was ignored and looked at as though I was invading THEIR space. No one would talk to me even though I stood by the "office" door for 10 minutes! Once my year is up at Curves I will most likely check into a home gym type machine. Again, I am sorry about your experience at Curves.

Friday, October 10, 2008, 7:38 PM

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Thanks for sharing your experiences. I do have a membership at a gym...the problem...I just hate to go. I will make myself go..and once I get there, I'm always glad I went...but I just dread it so much that I won't go more than a couple of times because I hate it so much. I think it's because I go by myself. I've learned not to count on anyone else because they always fiz out. Anyway, I just feel lost in a big gym...people aren't generally friendly and I just feel out of place. So I thought Curves might be more structured and not so overwhelming. And I need some sort of strength training. I've even tried using my weights at home...I just don't follow through. Maybe I will just check it out.

Saturday, October 11, 2008, 1:22 AM

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Can't hurt to check it out...see if they have a guest pass you can use for a week and see if you like it...the Curves I go to does have guest passes.

Saturday, October 11, 2008, 5:28 AM

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Appreciate it !!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008, 10:23 PM

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Curves Strength Training

If you request your site manager to update your workout in the computer, you will discover there is a strength training program. I had plateaued in the generic Curves Smart circuit workout and needed a challenge. That's just what I got! Amazing results in a month's time. My friend and I are the only ones "grunting and sweating" through our workouts...and we're only on the beginner's level.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013, 1:20 PM

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You need to ask them to update your workout from the generic to the more specific programs...i.e, endurance or strength training which comes in three levels of difficulty. My muscles look great!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013, 1:22 PM

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