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Poll: Ideal Group Size

Curious what people think would be the ideal PEERtrainer group size. Would you like the option of being part of a bigger group, or is the current format sufficient?

Mon. Feb 27, 10:01am

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I think the current format is sufficient. I really like to be able to see everybody's tabs and the comments all on one page on my screen, rather than the ghastly situation with spotlight.

It's also much easier to create a group ambience in a 4 - and I think the brain is able to process people better when they are grouped in small numbers than when they are all bunched together. e.g. Being in 4 groups of 4 makes it much easier to track everybody's logs and remember things about those individuals than being in 1 group of 16.

Please don't change the group size!

Monday, February 27, 2006, 10:20 AM

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I like the size the groups are now. If they were larger it would be to much to keep up with. It feels like family with small groups :)

Monday, February 27, 2006, 10:26 AM

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Here's what I want.

I love the group of 4, with the 4 tabs and the comments. However, I have a team at work I'd love to get on here. I'd like it like the old spotlight, where I can put 14 of my other teammates together, in my my group. We all have our own group of 4, but we're all together and can comment to eachother. I guess I'm saying I'd like my own spotlight in my own group. Hope you understand what I'm saying! By the way, great job peertrainer. I love it and I've lost 13 pounds with my groups. thanx for the site.

Monday, February 27, 2006, 10:30 AM

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I like the group size of 4 also. It makes it much easier to keep up with everyone and their progress.

Monday, February 27, 2006, 10:34 AM

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It might be nice to be able to choose group size. The 4-person size is perfect if everyone participates and the group "gels." But with 4 people everyone counts -- and so with one group I was in someone joined who posted in the log ONCE a week (just enough to not get dropped) and commented ONCE a week... just killed the energy of the entire group. Adding another person or two with more enthusiasm would have helped.

Monday, February 27, 2006, 10:51 AM

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I think 4 is fine for public groups but maybe we could have the option of flexible sizes for private groups. So if you want to bring all your friends together, you can.

Monday, February 27, 2006, 12:27 PM

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4 is good

but having it all on tabs makes it hard. Can we get a "Browse Group" pop up that allows us to see everybody's logs at once including our own in a grid? This would allow you to compare notes, breakfasts, lunches etc. Do it so that Notes are at the bottom or can be hide/show.


Monday, February 27, 2006, 2:02 PM

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