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Can you trick your metabolism?

Hey all,

I have a question and I hope someone can answer it for me...
It seems that when you reduce your calorie intake (e.g. to 1200 per day), after a while your metabolism adjusts and you don't lose weight as quickly anymore. Same thing with starvation mode and all that.

So here's my question: can you trick your metabolism by changing your caloric intake on a daily basis? Like, eat 1200 on Monday, 1000 on Tuesday, 1500 on Wednesday, 1300 on Thursday, and so on and so forth? Combined with regular workouts, will this keep your metabolic rate higher?

Thanks in advance!

Sat. Nov 22, 2:59pm

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I would never recomend going below 1200cal
Im under 120lbs and I work out 6 days a week and on average eat abour 1500-1600cal a day.

I have never platued because I eat when Im hungry, some days that 1200 cal some days that 2000cal as long as im legitimately hungry I eat (HEALTHY food)
its averages to about 1500 cal a day. works for me... try not to make you average the lowest it could be though eat for your body unless you are 101lbs 1200 probably isnt enough.

You can also trick your body with cross training... never do the same work out 2 days in a row... and never make a weekly routine either. Be random so your body is guessing.... If you use the eliptical 2 times in the same week then do intervals 1 day and steady hard pace the other day. do one day for and hour one day for 30 min plus weights... just make sure your not doing the same thing. do swimming and runn aerobics and spin classes.

Saturday, November 22, 2008, 3:06 PM

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There was a thread the other day on this only it was talking about carb cycling. I don't know much about this but from what I've read it seems like its worth trying. Good luck!

Saturday, November 22, 2008, 3:36 PM

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someone suggested, calorie shifting, just google it and there a ton of sites, some come with weight calculators that tell you based on your weight how many calories to eat a day for wt loss, extreme wt loss and maintenance mode, they break it down by day.
good luck

Saturday, November 22, 2008, 6:23 PM

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