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MP3 Players

I'm considering buying an MP3 player to listen to music and digital audio books while I'm working out. Any suggestions on where to get the best deals on equipment and download files?

Tue. Mar 14, 4:49pm

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it's not the best deal, but i have an iPod and I love it. I bought my 20GB in the fall when they introduced a new model (mine is the old model). i ended up paying the same price for my 20GB as the price is now for the Nanos which have less space. I would say that unless you plan to watch videos, you really don't need more than 20GB. I have 1300 songs and 3 books on my iPod and only use about 5 GB. most of the songs i never listen to.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 5:33 PM

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I have an iShuffle and I love it. It is a tiny iPod - a little bigger than the size of a cigarrette lighter. It can hold 120 songs, and is perfect for me when I'm on my treadmill. I also use it when I'm doing the dishes!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 5:53 PM

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I got an mp3 player free with my laptop - I wasn't actually even aware it came with one. It's from Dell and it's called DJ Ditty which I think is the corniest name ever - lol! However I can't believe how much I like it! It will hold ~150 songs (plenty for me) and is ultralight (also about the size of a cigareet lighter)! It has a small screen to display the current music/settings. What I really like though is that it is also a radio. I like listening to NPR sometimes when I'm walking or some of the local radio stations have programs I enjoy quite a bit, and now I'm not limited to just my mp3 collection.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 5:59 PM

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MuVo from Creative Labs

I have a MuVo mp3 player from Creative labs- got it off of after reading lots of reviews. Relatively cheap (~$100 last year), holds plenty of songs (and I only have the 256 MB version) plus it has a FM tuner, so I can switch to radio if I want to, as I'm an NPR junkie. It also doubles as a flash drive, and is super easy to load music onto.

Sometimes I lust after the ipods but I'm happy with my decision.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 6:04 PM

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I love my IPOD Nano. Its lightweight and has an armband which is nice when on the treadmill or elliptical. You don't have to worry about it falling on the ground. It holds more songs than I can listen to in a week. It charges by plugging into the computer. Its just easy...and I like it =)

Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 6:57 PM

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I first bought an Ipod Nano. Fortunately the lady talked me into buying the extended warranty because of problems with the rechargeable battery not working after awhile and not being covered by the company warranty. After only two months of using it 3 times a week the little dial thingy stopped working and I couldn't turn it off. I got my money back and bought a NanoZen by creative (2gb). It has so many more features (I listen to NPR, too) than the ipod had, altho the dial and screen are not as easy to see and use. Much better value and it is still tiny and lightweight. Not quite as beautiful, the ipod nano was gorgeous, but I prefer reliability. I find that listening to audiobooks really motivates me to get to the gym where I'm "allowed" to listen to my player :-).

Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 10:48 PM

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If you will use the MP3 player working out, then I strongly recommend you get one with a flash memory, not a hard drive. The drive is more likely to fail from being jostled while you exercise, the flash memory is not affected. ipod nano has flash memory. It now comes in 1, 2 & 4 Gigs of RAM. I have 4G with a very extensive playlist. I would not get the shuffle b/c it doesn't have a screen. You could buy a 1G nano for about the same price as a shuffle.
Definitely get an armband for the Nano. Fry's Electronics carries a non-Apple brand armband for $10. The Apple armband is $30, but it is very comfortable.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 11:49 PM

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The IPOD is by far always been my favorite, it's worth the extra money because it's so easy to use. And, get speakers and it can be your workout partner, your stereo.


Friday, December 19, 2008, 9:42 AM

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Have a nano and love it. I loaded my CD's into iTunes and haven't payed an additional cent for music. I also download tons of free stuff...podcasts of Oprah, Garrison Keillor, NPR and Ted Talks. I subscribe to several things so there is always something new on my iPod. In all honesty, I am using it less for music these days, although I love it for that.

The nano also plays MP4's so you can watch video's if you like.

Friday, December 19, 2008, 10:21 AM

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I agree with 11:49.
My iPod keeps locking up when I run on the treadmill. I keep it in the cupholder since it's too big to clip it to me. I've been using my daughter's old Nano, and that's been working fine. So if you're going to get an iPod, get a Nano or a Shuffle.

Friday, December 19, 2008, 10:52 AM

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I used to have a Sony "walkman" mp3 and I loved it because you didn't even have to look at it while you were exercising to start and search for music. However, they first discontinued their music service then the player altogether so I couldn't get music into it anymore. Very sad day because I never thought I'd like any mp3 better, but....

love my nano! About the only complaint is that if I'm running in a race and I have it already strapped to me or in a pocket, it's kind of hard to start it without taking it out. I like to hit the music the second the gun goes off, so it's just a personal thing for me. Otherwise, love the ease of downloading, viewing and charging. Worth the money.

Friday, December 19, 2008, 11:32 AM

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I love my iPod classic. It does have some quirks, but it holds a lot of songs and has a lot of space (30GB). I have a Belkin sport case that wraps around my arm and it's smooth working out from there.

Friday, December 19, 2008, 12:01 PM

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