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New Group for the Extremely Motivated

This is for serious, motivated people who want to lose 30-40 lbs. by June 30th, 2006. That is 3 1/2 months! I am 240 lbs, 5'11, and an kickboxing/boot camp/pilates instructor with 40 lbs. to lose. I am 28, a stay-at-home mom, and extremely motivated. This group is also intended to discuss underlying causes of weight problems that are not discussed by doctors. Thyroid issues can go undiagnosed because most doctors are not using the new thyroid stimulating hormone range. I've been hypothyroid for years, but the doctors assured me that my TSH levels were normal. Another factor that I was unaware of is food allergies. I didn't even know that I was allergic to certain foods until I had a blood test done. They make you swollen but you just think your weight is fluctuating! You can fluctuate as much as five pounds in a 24 hour period. Last thing. Candida is a major weight gain culprit. It is brought on by antibiotic usage, birth control pills, white flour, refined sugars, and processed sugars. If you want to join the journey of understanding the real circumstances of weight gain and not just eating less and exercising more (although that is still EXTREMELY important), please join this group. Please know that this will be a very active group with weekly weigh-ins, monthly measuring, and active posting. Expect to eat more and weigh less. Not eating more bad food, but more good food. No more starvation! That is bad for the body! THIS IS THE TIME! June 30th, 2006!!!


Sat. Mar 18, 10:02pm

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