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exercise-induced hives???

a few days ago after a workout at the gym, i noticed i had small red bumps on my chest. i didn't know what they were at the time and i figured they'd go away if anything after a day.

its been a few days now and they are still there. i'm just wondering if i should go see a doctor or if anyone knows a way to get rid of them??

this is the first and only time ive ever gotten im a little bit flustered with the idea of seeing a doctor. but im open to suggestions if anyone has any ideas??

Thu. Jan 7, 1:35pm

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please please please google a list of common food allergens. Could be a lot of things but as someone who suffered with this for YEARS, please examine how you react to foods. All sorts of foods can be the culprit. Wheat, dairy, carrots, nuts- everyone is different.

Thursday, January 07, 2010, 2:45 PM

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thnx for the reply

...i dont think it is a food allergen only because i didnt eat anything out of the ordinary that day before the gym. just my regular meals and routine for my gym days..

and not until that day did i get a reaction, which occured after the workout???

Thursday, January 07, 2010, 2:51 PM

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Here is a good link...

Thursday, January 07, 2010, 3:30 PM

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Exercise induced hives?

I had a similar problem, and after much research and plenty of allergy tests, I figured out it was prickly heat. I still get them once in while as I warm up and start sweating, but its mostly gone away.


Thursday, January 07, 2010, 3:48 PM

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definitely check out your food allergies. Exercise can simply reveal that you have them.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 9:11 AM

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More likely you had a lotion on your skin that when you sweat got in your pores and caused heat rash. I would never jump straight to food allergies for a heat rash. Food allergies tend to show up soon after eating a new food, not as the result of exercise.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 9:17 AM

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Exercise-induced Urticaria (Hives)

As with the other link posted it is a known thing. Years ago I began to wheeze
during exercise and I had no history of asthma. But I am latex allergic and it in retrospect was probably a combination of environmental factors/exposure to somehting as well as internal issues. I recall using an inhaler for a brief time
and then I just quit the gym and never had another episode. But that said - as the links say - take symptoms seriously and monitor yourself closely because if it becomes an anaphylactic situation that is deadly serious.
OTOH it could as one poster said just be a dermatitis type thing. It really just requires you watching yourself closely and sleuthing it out.

Be well



Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 9:57 AM

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All hive sufferers - please read

I have had chronic hives for over 2 years. My worst hives will last about 24 hours before they fade. If you have the same bumps for longer, perhaps they are something else. You didn't mention any itching. For me, hives itch a lot and the worst ones burn more than itch with my skin being very hot.

Exercise in general helps my hives except for weight lifting where i develop deep swelling in my arms instead of only red blotches and is extremely painful.

Please, all hive sufferers, read about low stomach acid. I have read poor digestion due to low stomach acid is related to many conditions including chronic hives. I am on day 5 of the trial using betaine hcl to improve my digestion and my hives are less. Also, during this test, i am not using any antihistamines but I have taken niacin in the morning to help flush out whatever excess histamine I have in my system. I read about a guy how was cured in 6 weeks.

Friday, October 14, 2011, 1:27 PM

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Hives are often a side effect of stress or anxiety. Exercise puts stress on the body and often the mind. For quick relief of the hives, put 1 Cup baking soda in a bath of warm water and have a nice soak. Or find an old pair of pantyhose, cut off the foot part. Fill the toe with oatmeal and throw that in a warm bath. It sounds silly, but it truly works! Rub the oatball on the affected area, it will take out the itch... if you don't it, you don't scratch. If you don't scratch, the hives won't spread as easily.

Friday, October 14, 2011, 3:41 PM

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