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Dealing with Overeating

One of the most challenging things I've found about dieting/eating programs is being gentle with myself when I overeat. Historically I've either been "good" and in control or totally out of control and pounding on myself which leads to bingeing. Finding the middle ground of being human and fallible, i.e. overeating occasionally, is so difficult for me -- especially where food is concerned.

What has helped you keep from falling into self-loathing? Or once you're there, how do you pull yourself out?

Tue. Jan 4, 10:31am

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Overeating is something a lot of us unfortunately have to deal with and it's just SO easy to do! Controlling it on the other hand can be quite difficult if you don't have the discipline.

The number one thing that has helped me is my calorie counter. I have a droid and I found a free app in the market place that not only counts the calories in the food you eat but also the fat, trans fat, monounsaturated fat, sugars, protein, vitamins, EVERYTHING! It's a wonderful tool for me because I can type in anything I want to eat and it will give me all the stats. The app is called myfitnesspal and you can put in your current weight, target weight, age, height, how many calories you want a day and even if your job is a desk job or one that keeps you on your feet. You can also log what exercise you've had and it will tell you how many calories you burned. I think it will work for iPhone and maybe blackberry too.

I recently went to my grandma's new years eve party, she had a lot of brownies, cookies, punch, pop, and everything else you could think of that isn't good for you. I of course ate some brownies and had a few cookies but I typed everything into my calorie counter first. When I saw that one homemade brownie had 170 calories and way too much fat, trans fat and sugar, I literally stopped in my tracks. I couldn't believe it! And since I knew EXACTLY how bad it was for me I only ate one. If I hadn't looked at that, I probably would have had five or more.

I try to fill my diet with healthy foods that are low in calories and I try to avoid trans fats at all costs. But every once in a while I just want a brownie, and that's fine. You can indulge every once in a while, but just try to keep yourself from crossing the line too often.

I used to be a binger myself and I've had far less problems with it since starting my calorie counting and logging my food on here. Logging here has helped a lot too because I think about what I am eating and if I really want my team members to see that. I am always honest on here, so they'll see if I ate five servings of pasta for lunch which makes me a lot more disciplined when I eat.

If you feel like you're about to binge just STOP. Take a breath. Think about what you're doing. Think about hod bad you'll feel afterwards and how bad it is for your weight loss and diet. That might help too.

I hope this helps!

Tuesday, January 04, 2011, 11:57 AM

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