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Is organic everything necessary for PNR and Cheat System?

I'm considering signing up for the PNR program. It sounds great. I'm wondering though if it is realistically possible to commit to the program without fully getting on board with the organic everything component. I like the idea of going completely organic, but it is not something I can commit to fully right now.

When faced with the choice, I'd prefer to buy locally-produced foods that aren't organic, than buy organic produce that is transported from growers far away from my home. Also, I'm super crunched for time and do my grocery shopping at night after putting my kids to sleep. I can't shop at farmers markets and specialty foods stores on a regular basis because their limited shopping hours don't correspond with when I can go shopping. I do my best with what's available at the grocery stores in my area - but that doesn't include bison or organic chicken or beef because they often aren't available.

Can I still benefit from the PNR program and Cheat System?

Mon. Mar 14, 2:31pm

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Good question. The answer is no, and we ought to make this more clear. There are some clear benefits to certain organic foods.

What we have done is created an incentive system that helps guide people to make some decisions that other programs or companies don't.

For example, when it comes to meat, we would strongly suggest buying and eating higher quality meat in lesser quantities. You don't have to do this at all. But we feel that it is important to make these distinctions.

The other thing to note is that everything we do is designed to be flexible. There is no dogma here at all. We build everything with reality in mind.


Monday, March 14, 2011, 3:02 PM

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PS, thanks for asking the question. We often say that "PEERtrainer is a conversation"- and we want to make sure we encourage as many questions as possible.

Monday, March 14, 2011, 3:10 PM

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