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Meal planning - do you?

I eat what I feel like eating (within my allowance). I am primarily primal, grains don't agree with me so I avoid most of them all the time.

My biggest problem is that I can't get my head round meal planning. This is where I am up to in the Beck Solution book.
Purging my pantry is easy as I don't have much food that is bad for you. My weight gain was due to binging because I feel deprived or eating too many portions. I like something I just can't have enough of it.

I stumbled across Peertrainer and loved the concept of allowing cheats within reason. I think each person is different but I need to be allowed to have anything I want to eat within reason. Rather than say no all the time and end up binging in a week moment.

Thanks to the book and the dietitian, Peertrainer, Sparkpeople and myself I have decreased my portions and I don't have seconds. I also went from IF (skipping meals) to making sure I get 3 meals a day and a snack or two. I limited my nut consumption to 10 almonds or 5 nuts a day. Chocolate is for the weekend as are other baked goods.

Dried fruit is put into granola so I can't do much harm there. I am giving myself credit for this as it is super hard for me not to go back for more.

I always have veg/meat stock in the freezer in case I need to have a bowl of soup mid-day instead of something cold. I can't get my head round preparing meals in advance. Planning my food etc. Any tips?

Wed. Feb 1, 8:23am

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Can't offer advice. I'm a temperamental eater. If I don't feel like eating something, I won't- even if I generally like the food. I 'stock up' on fresh food and meal plan, and I actually end up wasting food.

I'm better off just swinging by the grocery store on the way home from work, if I'm not excited about what I have at home.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012, 6:32 PM

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I don't menu-plan in the sense of sitting down and planning out what I'll eat for each meal, either - it doesn't work for me, especially since my husband does a lot of the cooking and does not want to follow a pre-set menu. However, I do plan meals in advance. Here are some things I do:

1) On the weekends, I cook large portions of things like soup or casseroles, and I freeze them in individual portions so that I have a variety of things to choose from, and I can choose what sounds good on a particular day

2) I keep plenty of fresh produce on hand that I can use for a quick snack or to toss together a quick stirfry - in essence, I plan to do that a couple times a week, but I don't specify the day/meal

3) Almost anything I cook during the week, I make double of and have leftovers the next day for lunch. in some cases, I might cook a large batch of something like rice or pasta, use part for one night's dinner, and the rest in a completely different way for another meal later.

4) When i grocery shop, there are some items I buy every time I'm in the store (carrots, apples, bananas, etc) and other things that I buy anytime I run out (ww pasta, brown rice, oatmeal), just so that I *always* have the makings of a healthy meal around.

Thursday, February 02, 2012, 11:44 AM

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Thanks for your replies

I was looking around at my kitchen and thinking well in a way I do plan meals ;-).

I always have veg on hand. I do cook for a family of 5 so usually make enough for a meal with leftovers for one or two lunch boxes.

I make granola, granola bars to have on hand.

I have stock on hand if I feel like making a soup.

I only eat wild/brown rice or quinoa and I don't miss pasta...It is so quick and easy to make that I don't feel the need to have a cooked pot available.

I just roasted the veg for tonight's supper and for tomorrow night too.

My kids don't like eating the same thing all the time and that's why I have a lot of variety on hand.

I think I'm going to continue with making sure the healthy options are on hand and not stress on whether I will have an apple with PB or nuts for a snack ;-).

Once again thanks.

Thursday, February 02, 2012, 11:52 AM

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Wow, OP, you are WAY ahead of the game!! What more needs to be done?!

Thursday, February 02, 2012, 12:03 PM

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Sounds like you DO plan meals, and you do it in a way that works for you and your family. why change that?!

Friday, February 03, 2012, 9:48 AM

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It seems I do in a way

One important component to dieting for me is to think ahead to maintenance. I want to do things long term. So you are right I kinda plan my meals...

Thanks for helping me see that.

Sunday, February 05, 2012, 2:54 PM

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I do plan my diet and aim to eat as regularly as possible. Planning every meal ahead takes some time but you will eventually get really good at. Maybe ask your wife/girlfriend/mom to help you out? :)


Wednesday, January 17, 2018, 1:23 PM

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I always like to do a lot of cooking at one time, because I can turn on the oven and bake about five or six different things at one time. Monday I plan to make enchiladas, lasagna,pot roast, quiche, and shepherds pie. Then I freeze them,and use as needed. A little wine and music helps the afternoon go faster. And in the evening I proceed to my work at writepaperforme freelance website.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018, 1:07 PM

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