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PEERtrainer Cheat System - Buckwheat vs. Kasha - Cheats

I'm curious what the difference is between "Kasha" and "Buckwheat" because the Cheat System lists kasha as a cheat, but buckwheat is free. I noticed when I was looking for buckwheat recipes online they used the terms interchangeably. I also referred to google... I'm still very confused.

Am I correct to think that as long as I don't "toast" the buckwheat, it is free, but if I toast it before cooking, then it is a cheat??

Tue. Mar 13, 11:07am

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I think kasha is just the whole seed of the buckwheat, unground. It doesn't even have to be toasted.

I don't know, that makes it sounds that if you grind it into flour it's free, but if you eat it whole it is a cheat.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012, 2:51 PM

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Buckwheat is not toasted. After it is toasted it is called kasha.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012, 10:30 PM

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yes, I figured that was probably it, that toasting differentiates them. other than making the flavor stronger, what happens to it during the toasting process that makes it a cheat? Anyone know? Must research...

Thursday, March 15, 2012, 2:10 AM

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yes, I figured that was probably it, that toasting that differentiates them. other than making the flavor stronger, what happens to it during the toasting process that makes it a cheat? Anyone know? Must research...

Thursday, March 15, 2012, 2:12 AM

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I looked up both of these and I think we need someone from Peer Trainer to weigh in on this.

Buckwheat 1 cup has 563 calories, a glycemic load of 63
Kasha 1 cup had 155 calories, a glycemic load of 14--much lower than buckwheat

Thursday, March 15, 2012, 9:03 AM

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you're looking at cooked vs uncooked. And because cooked groats will have much more water than groat by volume, they've of course have less cals.

Friday, March 16, 2012, 6:20 PM

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So you saying buckwheat is buckwheat uncooked and kasha is buckwheat cooked? That would make sense if a cooked cup of buckwheat ie. kasha had fewer calories. I don't use either so new territory for me.

Friday, March 16, 2012, 8:05 PM

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I'm curious about this, too. I hope someone from PeerTrainer will post soon. Is it because Buckwheat groats are unprocessed but Kasha is processed (maybe toasting the buckwheat on your stove yourself is ok, but manufactures toast kasha in oil or something)?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 8:12 PM

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okay, I have to say, that I truly dislike kasha (toasted buckwheat) it tastes terrible! >_<

plain buckwheat is satisfying and a nice change from pasta or rice, I think.

I will assume that as long as you do not "toast" the buckwheat, it is not a cheat.

I would still like to know why toasted buckwheat (kasha) is a cheat if the only difference is toasting... so yeah, something with the toasting process, right? what is it?! :) not that I plan on toasting it ( >_< ) I'm just curious :) maybe there is something scientific that is going on and Mister Google is not sharing the information!!

PLEASE, someone must know the answer here?! :) :)

Friday, March 23, 2012, 8:54 AM

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I think it's just a mistake.

Friday, March 23, 2012, 9:10 PM

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Here is the latest version, that does NOT have kasha on the left as
unlimited. It's on the right.

No mistake.


Thursday, April 05, 2012, 12:40 PM

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