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pedometer recommendation?

i am trying to get a more accurate measure of how far i am running...can anyone recommend a (hopefully inexpensive) pedometer with which they have had success?

Tue. May 23, 8:52pm

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Oh good, I'm interested in this too!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006, 9:35 PM

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go to

i got a great one there a few years back-and it still works. you measure your personal stride length first and enter that, then your weight, and it will calculate the steps, distance in miles/km, and calories burned. it has a little clip on it so i can clip to to my waistband in two places (so it doesn't end up in the toilet!! haha!) and it's small enough that you don't notice it under your clothes. good luck!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006, 11:21 PM

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make sure that you get one that has a cover over the face (so you have to open it to read your steps). I know several people that don't have a cover, and their pedometers keep getting the reset button hit, and they lose all their steps!

I love mine: Accusplit Eagle.

Wednesday, June 7, 2006, 12:44 PM

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Just purchased a Pedometer a couple months ago.It is a very basic unit.Numbers are easy to read,and the unit is easy to operate.The unit has a clip attached so you can clip on your pants.So far I am happy with it.I found mine at a Walgreens store,back in the pharmacy area,by the blood pressure machines.Cost was twenty dollars.My previous pedometer was a "Bell",and I had nothing but problems with it,so would not recommend that brand.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010, 3:53 AM

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my new iPod has one built in. I like it because it'll count while I'm listening to music and I don't have multiple devices on.

Friday, June 4, 2010, 8:49 PM

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