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How do YOU motivate yourself to exercise?
We all have our ups and downs but what technique do you use to make sure that you exercise?
I walk every day and try to do some yoga stretches most days. Doesn't always work. I was diagnosed diabetic a year ago and that scared me enough to make me work out religiously. I put up a few pictures of men with six-pack abs inside kitchen cabinets and on the bathroom mirror alongside pictures of fat slobs. I also have a few signs to scare me: "Amputation! Amputation!" posted in my closet. Both the scary and the positive (the nice pictures) usually give me the necessary motivation to work out. What works with you?
Sat. May 27, 9:50pm
1. I wrote out a list of the reasons why I want to be fit and healthy and hung them on my dresser mirror. It helps to remind myself why I'm doing this.
2. I have my "goal" bikini hanging in my room so that I can't help but see it every day.
3. Sometimes I'll log that I'm going to a certain workout then I feel like I have to do it because if I don't then I'll have to fess up for not doing it.
4. I hung my gym's class schedule next to my computer at work so that I'm reminded of all the oportunities to exercise.
Saturday, May 27, 2006, 10:22 PM
I remind myself the dog needs to get out, too. I lay out my clothes and force myself to change into them after work or in the morning, so there is no excuse, I'm just ready to go. Sometimes I feel guilty if I don't exercise, that can be a motivator. Watching the calories burned motivates me to push harder. Getting out in the fresh air makes me feel great.
As I am running, I people watch and notice many larger, unfit people...maybe it's rude or mean, but I keep running so I don't become one of those people.
Sunday, May 28, 2006, 12:39 AM
If I REALLY don't feel like exercising, I promise myself to do just 10 minutes...and then decide after that whether to carry on. Most times, after 10 minutes, I am already feeling better, and enjoying it, and I carry on.
Either way, its a win-win situation......if you have just done the 10 minutes, and stopped, you should pat yourself on the back for being disciplined and doing it...if you have done more, give yourself an even bigger pat on the back, and remember the feeling, ready for the next time you don't feel like it!
Sunday, May 28, 2006, 4:32 AM
The 4:32 poster I totally agree with. I do the same thing, just tell yourself, "I'll just go out for a few minutes or a short walk, etc" and then before ya know it I've ran or walked 4-6 miles and got a great work out in.
Sunday, May 28, 2006, 9:51 AM
I put some serious thought into putting together mixes of songs that I love and that dictate the pace of my workouts. Once I turn on the mp3 player I'm 'in'. I couldn't 'not' move my body if you tied me down. The music and the moving of the body is such a release that I haven't had much difficulty motivating myself in awhile.
It also helps immensely that I have my own exercise equipment, so even if I don't feel like heading outside, or if the weather's icky, I can go grab a good workout quickly and I don't have to get dressed, pack my luggage and go to the gym.
Sunday, May 28, 2006, 12:02 PM
ok this maybe isn't the best motivator, but alot of times my competitive nature and jealousy drive me to push myself. when my boyfriend tells me how fast he can run a mile or how long he can run for i get jealous and make sure that i work really hard the next day.
also when i watch shows on vh1 about how hard some celebrities work out to acheive and maintain their buff bodies i get pumped up and think "if they work that hard to look great and be healthy, i can too!" then i go work out.
sometimes i wish i could just motivate myself, but hey at least it gets moving!
Sunday, May 28, 2006, 6:27 PM
i resisted going out for a walk today. i talked myself into wearing my sneakers and sitting on the porch for one hour. after a few minutes, i walked down the driveway to the road (100 yards) and, before you know it, i was on my way!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006, 8:00 AM
workout schedule!
i plan out my workouts for the week and post them in my Peertrainer goal section, which i update each week. then I write a big happy CHECK next to each completed workout after i do it!!! no thinking, no planning, i wake up each morning, check my workout schedule, and i'm on autopilot, i just go!
having 5-6 "CHECK"s at the end of the week feels really great. :)
Tuesday, May 30, 2006, 8:19 AM
i made a commitment to work out EVERYDAY till my moms cancer is gone...
Tuesday, May 30, 2006, 9:44 AM
i read the entries on the team "motivation station".
Friday, June 2, 2006, 1:07 AM
There is the old idea - make an appointment with yourself in your datebook and then just keep the appointment. Well, I break appointments with other people and myself all the time because my work schedule is intense and I find it hard to keep my appointment with my bed each night to get enough sleep. That said, I have recently tried making appointments with a trainer - it is more than I can afford (which means that (a) I put it on a credit card and (b) it is particularly motivating because, if I am borrowing money and spending beyond my means, then I really need to make sure I follow through).
Friday, June 2, 2006, 9:50 AM
my gym bag is packed and in my car. after work, my car is parked closer to the gym than home, so i don't have an excuse not to go. then i see heavier set people walking or headed to the gym and i think, "if they're doin' it, so can i." When i see heavier people walking or running while I'm driving, I ALWAYS say, "you go! kick some a**!" it's my little hope that they stay motivated too.
Sunday, June 4, 2006, 1:11 PM
Walking 2.5 miles a day to and from campus is a mandatory part of my day, so that needs not motivation.
The following things motivate me to go to the gym:
1. That's where I weigh in, and I like weighing in!
2. Scheduling my workouts for when something vaguely watchable is on (at the moment = tennis!)
3. Going first thing in the morning - a great start to the day.
4. Keeping an end of week summary that tells me how many days I attended - this helps keep me accountable and makes me want to make a certain number of visits each week (ideal 6 times, oor else just beating the last week's attendance).
5. Taking some lovely bath products in my gym bag - I look forward to showering after my workout - the products are nicer than my home ones!
6. Once I have gone for a couple of days, I actually WANT to keep going. I like how the cardio makes me feel refreshed and I miss that feeling.
Sunday, June 4, 2006, 1:24 PM
If I don't feel like exercising, I use this trick I learned from parenting-tell myself, "Thank you very much for sharing. Now go put your shoes on and do it anyway."
Monday, June 5, 2006, 10:32 AM
I signed up to do the Breast Cancer 3-Day. This is a major commitment of time and exercise! :-)
I have found that having a "purpose" for my exercise has really helped me to keep on task...(for any Avenue Q fans out there, I empathize with Princeton)
I have also been charting my progress on an Excel spreadsheet to see how much weight I am losing (it's not much, but the overall is on a downward trend, so that is what is most important.
Plus, as I am getting more fit, my clothes are fitting better and I like what I am seeing!
Now, when I don't walk or exercise, I feel like such a slug!
Monday, June 5, 2006, 10:56 AM
What motivates me to work out?
I am more motivated to work out if the work out is challengeing. The music is kicken, and the sweat is pooring. That's why I love Turbo Jam! You will love how poweerful and strong you feel after working out with Chalene JOhnson. The music is off the chain! And man you will see results a lot quicker, because you'll get so into the work out, that you forget is exercices. Trust me. I went from 256 to 225. And This past May I became a certified instructor.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006, 3:34 PM
what else?
Music and fun motivates me to keep it moven!! Plus the great feeling you feel when you work out. If you love music and danceing, then have a party and dance!!!! I can put on my walkman (oldie but relaible) and walk for about 45 minutes. Take a cool bud with you. Or Try Turbo Jam. It works
Tuesday, June 13, 2006, 3:41 PM
motivate to exercise
1) writing down my planned exercise
2) plan the day before so you have time to not do something that might prevent you from exercising
3) tell people around you so when the time comes they push you out the door rather than sabotaging your efforts because of their own priorities.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 8:42 AM
I never thought I'd see the day, but working out has actually become part of my day, the first thing I do in the morning. The occasional day I miss for some reason seems weird, like I'm wearing my underwear backwards or something. But before I got to this point, my biggest problem was getting up in the morning in time to do it. I'd fall back to sleep after the alarm went off and then wake up 20 minutes later and say 'well, I can't do the whole workout, so I might as well skip it'. I finally had to make a deal with myself that if I only had 5 minutes, I would do 5 minutes. The importanat thing is to make it a habit. And six months later, it is.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 11:00 AM
My motivation is how I feel if I DON'T work out! I feel stressed, irritable and just generally in a bad mood if I don't get it everyday!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 12:45 PM
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