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Restaurants in NYC?
Anyone have any suggestions for good places to eat in NYC? I'm looking for all price ranges-- from the little mom & pop places to the more upscale.
My budget, however is more towards the bargain end of things.
Mon. May 29, 1:53pm
Cafe Gitanes on Elizabeth is a quality bargain, as is Republic in Union Square. Cafe Habana, around the corner from Gitanes is pretty good as well, and I think reasonably priced.
Monday, May 29, 2006, 5:45 PM
Mama Mexio in midtown is FABULOUS, at 47th st. and 3rd ave. So is Cafe con Leche on 97th st. and Amsterdam. The first is Mexican, the second is Spanish Caribbean.
For an authentic but unpretentious french bistro with food to die for (esp. the chocolate mousse!), try Tout Va Bien on 52nd or 53rd st. and 8th ave.
All of the above places are pretty reasonably priced, and all the rage with my friends, family, and anyone we know who's been there. As with most places in NYC, call ahead and make reservations! :)
Have fun!
Monday, May 29, 2006, 10:47 PM
I recommend 9th Avenue in the upper 40s & 50s (this is my 'hood). All kinds of ethnic options -- Afghan, Peruvian, Thai, Italian, Vietnamese, Mexican, diners. None of these places is pricey by NYC standards...main courses under $20 (sometimes well under that), good quality food -- these places just don't have any fancy/unusual decor or famous chefs or anything like that.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006, 11:38 AM
Avenue A and 6th
There are some great restaurants around Ave A and 6th that are mid-range. And there is a terrific Spanish and a Peruvian mid-range with tangines on Ave B between 5th and 4th.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006, 10:12 PM
Food in NYC
Depends what you are looking for and if you are trying to find low-cal or healthy options. Two of my favorites are Josies (one at 74th and Amsterdam and another in the 30s on the East side) and Zen Palette (one in Union Square and one on 70 something and Broadway). Josie's is predominently non-dairy (although in recent years they have added some dairy options) - organic, free-range, happy-go-lucky meat, poultry, etc. as well as great vegetarian options. The Zen Palette is all vegetarian.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006, 11:25 PM
I'll second Zen Palate. The food there is clean , and really good even if you are not a Vegetarian. And not that expensive.
Thursday, June 1, 2006, 12:37 AM
My FAVORITE and some cheap eats
On Eldgridge below Broome is the best cheap eats in the city, as far as I'm concerned. Dumpling House has a beef sandwich on a sesame pancake/bread that is to die for and costs $2.50 or thereabouts. They also have great steamed or fried dumplings for $1. YUMMMMY.
There are a TON of really good places in Chinatown, especially dim sum. It's been a while since I've visited, so I'll share some links below instead of specific recommendations (Remember, many upscale restaurants offer prix fixe menus, so you can eat well for short money):
(use Ctrl-F to search this site)
Village Voice:
And Robert Sistema's 100 best cheap eats:,cheapchownow,64696,19.html
New York mag's cheap eats:
Friday, June 2, 2006, 3:09 PM
I'll second the recommendation for Tu va bien - I ate there last night - nice, comfie, charming staff, great food - on that same block of 52nd (or is it 53rd) is Maria Pia - very nice Italian place, laid back. Both are super convenient for pre-theater.
Saturday, June 3, 2006, 8:14 PM
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