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A tale of two cheeses...

- There's the kind that you put on pizza and use to make mozzarella sticks - the melty kind.
- And then there's the kind that you see in the deli that people use to make tomato and mozzarella salad - that comes in water or whatever liquid that is.

How can these both be mozzarella?? What makes the difference? I don't get it. Anybody know?

Mon. Jun 5, 1:44pm

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The deli stuff is the "Real thing" -- made fresh that day!
I think the packaged stuff is more processed. It's provolone that's more melty, though -- even packaged mozarella isn't _that_ melty.
Anyway, I use the fresh stuff on homemade pizza. It's not streeeeeetchy, but it sure is good.

Monday, June 5, 2006, 1:56 PM

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yeah the deli stuff is much better. the processed stuff loses a lot of flavor and is dried out to keep it preserved. YUCK!!!

if you like mozarella you should try smoked mozarella sometime!!!! delicious!!!

Monday, June 5, 2006, 1:59 PM

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Actually, I Thought that the "hard" kind was more aged than the "soft" kind.

I love cheese in general, so both are okay..

However, I prefer the Buffalo Mozzarella with fresh (garden, not store-bought) tomatoes, basil leaves (shredded or whole) drizzled with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, a little sea salt and fresh ground pepper. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Monday, June 5, 2006, 3:28 PM

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I worked in a deli for 20 years. The cheese comes in a big block which you slice fresh for the customer. It's also 100% mozzarella compared to the package kind you buy for pizza's. Ask the person in the deli to cut you off a big piece so you can grate it yourself that's what I do.

Monday, June 5, 2006, 3:47 PM

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original poster here

so that white, watery stuff really IS the same cheese as the shredded pizza stuff? hmm.
Is either version healthier?
I mean, I know that deep frying it (for mozzarella sticks) is not the healthy choice, but plain - is either one better for you?

Monday, June 5, 2006, 3:55 PM

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Fresh mozzerella has a very high ratio of protein to fat for a cheese. I think the fresh is healthier than the more processed mozzerella.

Monday, June 5, 2006, 6:04 PM

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Buffala Mozzarella is higher in calories and fat...

....but is waaaaay better.

The sticks and the shredded stuff are lower in fat, mostly because you're buying "part-skim" mozzarella.

The balls of mozzarella that are stored in water are higher in fat and calories. It also tastes much different (better) and therefore you can use it more sparingly. It's expensive and best for fresh salads, with tomatoes, etc.

Tuesday, June 6, 2006, 10:41 AM

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