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Exercise = Pimples???
Here is my problem. After having great skin all my life (I survived high school without acne.) My face is breaking out! Especially on my forehead. I recently started running, which really makes me sweat so I'm wondering, is that what's causing my forehead to develop acne?
My only other idea is: I've started taking essential fatty acids, could that be altering the oil balance in my skin?
Has this happened to anyone else, and did your skin adjust, or did you have to do something to clear it up?
Wed. Jun 7, 6:43pm
I am a runner too and that did happen to me. It sounds stupid but I went back to Clearasil when washing my face which I used in highschool and it took care of the problem! I didn't dry out my skin like other products did.
Hope that helps, good luck!
Wednesday, June 7, 2006, 6:50 PM
Two other possiblities are:
1. Are you wearing sun screen when you run? That could be clogging you up.
2. I did not have acne in HS, but I do have some acne now at 31. My personal opinion is that my skin is better off after I've sweated out all the dirt.
Wednesday, June 7, 2006, 6:51 PM
It sounds a little silly but have you tried wearing a headband when you run? It really keeps the sweat from dripping down your face. May help.
Wednesday, June 7, 2006, 7:14 PM
This is an odd thing to say--but if you had been smoking and stop, it causes pimples. But hopefully you hadn't been smoking, since it's a nasty habit (that I can only get away from for 3-4 month periods at a time!).
Wednesday, June 7, 2006, 10:51 PM
I've broken out my whole life -- but fortunately the stuff you can use keeps improving. If your adult acne needs a prescription, try azelaic acid (Azelex) -- great stuff, you rub it on once or twice a day.
Wednesday, June 7, 2006, 11:53 PM
I see a dermotologist and asked her this very question. She said the working out does not make you break out and, if anything, the endorphins might help your skin. I dont know if I believe her and still wash my face the second Im done running but she probably knows more than I do! :)
Thursday, June 8, 2006, 8:29 AM
As a verrrry long time sufferer of acne, I reccomend the oxy pads. Before and after you work out. Its perfect, cleans the sweat and dirt off and it leaves you feeling refreshed.
Thursday, June 8, 2006, 9:11 AM
I'm not a runner, but I do engage in weekly Bikrum Yoga sessions (aka- hot room yoga)-- one of the benifits is the sweating- it cleans and purifys your skin.
I noticed that when I first started the classes I had acne all over (even my back), now that I've kept with it the acne is gone and my skin is clearer than ever. It could be that your body is doing it's own clarification process. I think you should do as the other poster suggested by using a cleanser that with help clean out your pores (your body is trying to do it anyways)- I'm a fan of the antibacterial Noxima. Good Luck!
Thursday, June 8, 2006, 9:56 AM
Very simple - sunblock, hat or headband are probably clogging your pores.
Sounds gross, but probably when you sweat, the oils and dirt from your hair gets into your pores. Also wiping with your hands too often. I wash my hands before running, and when wiping off the sweat, use the back of my hand, or even my arms or my sleeve. At the gym, immediately after the cardio I go and wash my hands.
Time to time when I do break out, I use Olay Total effects Anti-aging, Anti-blemish. That stuff is potent! expensive but is worth it.
Thursday, June 8, 2006, 10:54 AM
do you use any hair products at all? hairspray, gel, mouse, pomades, even some shampoos and conditioners all leave a residue on your hair/skin and while exercise in itself won't cause acne, while running the products you use may drip down from your hair line and get lodged in your pores. wash your face immediately after you run, change out of sweaty clothes immediately and wearing some type of sweatband should help too.
Thursday, June 8, 2006, 1:47 PM
The other thing-- if you are over-drying your skin out from your facial cleanser, you could cause the oil production to increase, thereby increasing the chance of you getting acne. I found that once I changed cleansers to something less drying, my acne was less frequent!
Thursday, June 8, 2006, 4:17 PM
Toxins coming out from chemicals, etc.
I find this happens to me when I start long workouts training for a marathon. I also see a dermatologist regularly and it is just toxins from food that we eat that do not pass through your body. It gets better, generally in about a month as long as you stop eating fake foods and sugars, etc. You will also notice a change in your sweat. I am now at the point, the first few days, especially, the sweat has a chemical smell to it and is more potent than when I am not eating chips, drinking soda, or eating any type of candy, etc.
It is really, like the dermatologist noted, the body's way of cleaning the epidermis. Changing eating habits, using some the OTC products noted will help.
Saturday, June 10, 2006, 10:39 AM
I'm in a similar situation...normally great skin, now breaking out after workouts since the weather has warmed up...
Since I prefer to shower at home, I just wash my face at the gym as soon as I'm done. This has totally solved my problem.
Saturday, June 10, 2006, 4:49 PM
Here's the deal, sweating brings out the toxins & is great for your skin. You may break out more in the beginning while your body gets rid of the toxins but then should start to clear up. Wearing a headband really helps me keep the sweat from dripping down my face & then wiping my face w/my hands not a good thing.
If you are waiting too long after your sweaty workout before taking a shower, like more than a 1/2 hour the sweat dries right back into the pore & clogs them. So if you hang around & talk after exercise & then go home & do a few things around the house or eat then you have waited to long to clean your face & it will break out from the sweat. This is the only time I break out due to exercise so now it's right home & straight to the shower. Problem solved for me. Hope this helps.
Saturday, June 10, 2006, 6:13 PM
another small thing to keep in mind- not a good idea to go for a run wearing make up. And anytime you're wiping your face, don't push the sweat back into your forehead. Your pores are kinda downward facing, so anytime you wipe upwards, you push whatever is on your skin into your pores. Always wipe in a side motion on your forehead.
Saturday, June 10, 2006, 6:45 PM
clean and moisturized face
there are some weird opinions on this topic. All you need to do is make sure you shower after your workouts and clean your face before you go to bed, if you work out in the evening, clean your face in the morning. Make sure that you never touch your face with your hands unless they are clean and only briefly. After you wash your face make sure you put lotion on your face to replenish your faces moisture otherwise your face will get oily, this substance is dead skin cells and fatty film. If you go outside in the sun always use sunscreen, never forget that. Have fun with your workouts.
Monday, June 12, 2006, 5:15 PM
Would the inbalance of testosterone be a reason too?
I saw some website saying that too much exercise can cause acne (espeically on the foreheard).
I'm experiencing the same problem now, no breakouts all my life but now...
I work out 4-5 times a week, cardio and weights. I had problem sleeping for the past month but since my sleeping patter gets back on track, my face (especially forehead) became a warzone. It's horrendous.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007, 11:23 PM
breaking out after a run
I was wondering if its a testosterone isssue too. It makes sense. If it is, how do you control it. I had great skin until I started running, now its seems to be face/or body. And the only products I use to cleanse, which I use straight after I run dry my skin out. I will try clearasil which someone recomended, and see how I go with that.
Saturday, August 23, 2008, 9:17 PM
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