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MSG proven to cause obesity in rats?

Is this true? The reference I was given ( is too complex to decipher. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Thu. Jun 15, 7:23am

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help us to help you -- link to the PubMed abstract?

Thursday, June 15, 2006, 7:31 AM

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So, I searched PubMed and came up with 4 or 5 abstracts.

I wouldn't say that MSG has been proven to cause obesity in rats. It looks as if it causes increased appetite if not also fed to rats with a lot of fiber; it looks especially bad for pregnant rats; and it causes type 2 diabetes when huge amounts are injected into genetically altered rats.

Personally, I would avoid injecting MSG, lol.

Another abstract has the following conclusion, not about MSG but just plain glutamate (an amino acid): "Males appear to be more sensitive than females. The present study for the first time demonstrates, that a widely used nutritional monosubstance--the flavouring agent MSG--at concentrations that only slightly surpass those found in everyday human food, exhibits significant potential for damaging the hypothalamic regulation of appetite, and thereby determines the propensity of world-wide obesity. We suggest to reconsider the recommended daily allowances of amino acids and nutritional protein, and to abstain from the popular protein-rich diets, and particularly from adding the flavouring agents MSG."

Considering the actually rather specific scale of the study (again, on rats) the general recommendation strikes me as arm-waving on the part of some scientists looking for press coverage.

Thursday, June 15, 2006, 7:46 AM

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There were many though, that discussed the MSG link to obesity. That it somehow "plays with your appetite"?

While I don't inject MSG(lol), I do happen to eat it (bullion, spicy mayo, etc) and I'm extremely curious.

Thursday, June 15, 2006, 8:02 AM

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Many that discuss links to metabolic changes. Appetite /= obesity! Many parents of ADHD kids swear that MSG increases hyperactivity as well, which would in itself explain some increase in appetite.

Looks like an area of active, early-stage research, rather than one with a lot of definite conclusions. I'd say that if you want to know if it has an effect on you, try not eating it and see if you notice!

Thursday, June 15, 2006, 8:21 AM

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