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I wish peanut butter and jelly didn't taste sooooo good

I keep finishing my toddler's pb and j. While I use the natural kind, it's not helping me lose any weight! ugh.

Tue. Jun 20, 4:41pm

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omg, peanut butter is the bane of my existence. it is so deliciously caloric. somebody help us....

Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 4:44 PM

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measure it?

It helps me! Once I measure it out, see the serving size and realize the nutrition facts, I don't go overboard. Be wise with your consumption and remember, nut butters are good for you in moderation!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 5:10 PM

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Ohhh...I really is delicious:)

Did anybody ever watch the reality show Big Brother? They used to have competitions, and if you lost, all you were allowed to eat was Pb and never sounded like much of a punishment to me.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 5:27 PM

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Measure it out (1 TBSP at a time) and enjoy! If you keep the natural kind in the fridge, it can be hard to spread, so heat it up for 20 seconds in the microwave so you can spread it thinly across the bread and not feel like you have to use a big glob.

Also, be conscious of your eating. Don't eat it just because it's there, or because you don't want to throw it away. Eat it and enjoy it when you are really hungry for it.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 6:34 PM

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you could always make him more....

make your toddler only a half sandwich.... use one slice of bread and fold it over... if he only eats a 1/4 usually.... make him a half slice of bread sandwich so it ends up being a 1/4 sandwich...
and or, count your nibblings on his lunch as what you eat for your lunch.
my son would at first only eat one chicken nugget... and that is what i would take out of the freezer and toast in the toaster... cut it up into pieces and there was not much left for me to get into trouble with...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 8:28 PM

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