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(Where's the) Love with a PT?

Well, ya'll -

nothing today, he trained me as usual and then says, "So my boss hasn't said a word to me all week and I am not sure why, I think it is because he say my girlfriend while she was on the phone with her ex-boyfriend, and she was yelling, and I think my boss thinks she was talking to me!"
So at that point I am thinking okay well you two are okay and still together!
I was dissapointed and a little surprised I was not expecting this today I thought he might say like "oh yeah we broke up, what are you doing next week?"
It's weird cause he is so freakin friendly and talks about personal things, and gives me that vibe, maybe I am glad he is not into me, it doesn't seem fair for his girlfriend.
At any rate, I am letting all this go and I have learned to just chill out and not read into things so much.
I'm pissed don't get me wrong, but I am glad this is the end of our sessions, he's like, "So this is the end and you'll never see me again," and laughed and i said, "oh whatever I will see you here," and he said, "Well let me know if you want a personal consultation and I will work with you again." and I was like, "yupbyebye" :/
I'll get on with my life now.
But I will always be a romantic. ;)

Mon. Jul 3, 5:02pm

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Good for you for being a romantic. I think life is more fun for romantics.

Tuesday, July 4, 2006, 12:56 AM

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thank you for sharing your exciting experience with us-as it unfolded! good luck to you!

Tuesday, July 4, 2006, 9:24 AM

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When I was younger, I tended to get "crushes" on male friends who were just being friendly (with no intention of being romantic.) I think it's just the male/female tension...

Sorry to hear that he wasn't really interested, but don't worry, I'm sure you will find someone when you are least expecting it! ;-)

Wednesday, July 5, 2006, 11:22 AM

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anything new?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006, 12:18 PM

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He may have been interested but changed his mind. Who knows what happened along the way with him. I wouldn't question your intuitions. Sounds like he was pretty flirty. The buildup was super fun, anyway. And who knows, he may have ended up being a complete dud in the end. Keep us updated when the new crush comes along!!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006, 3:21 PM

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