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Where do you store your fat?
I've been paying more attention lately to where fat is distributed on bodies. My fat is generally evenly distributed throughout my body. That's good and bad. When I'm heavy my face is very round, but I don't have 1 part of my body that is abnormally larger than others, and I am curvy.
Some I've noticed have a thin face but they have major saddlebags. Other people have normal, slender looking arms and legs, but their trunk and face are round.
Where do you store your fat? What's good and bad about it?
Thu. Jul 6, 1:16pm
I'm pretty evenly stored everywhere. I know this now for sure because I'm losing inches pretty steadily everywhere also. It has taken some time to lose the inches in the arms and legs, but that could also be because they're smaller anyway. Upon losing the weight though, everyone seems to notice it in my face and neck. I'm noticing it in my waist and butt because I hate all my clothes when they're baggy. But after losing nearly 50 pounds, every picture of me from last year or before doesn't even look like me anymore.
Thursday, July 06, 2006, 2:02 PM
although i seem to store most of my weight evenly, i do have enormous breasts since gaining a lot of weight. hate it, hate it, hate it!!! do i need to explain what's bad about it?
Thursday, July 06, 2006, 2:13 PM
Excellent job on the 50 lbs lost. I've lost 35 lbs and people comment on losing in the face and neck, but also that's a safe and PC part of the body for men to comment on, vs saying, "Your boobs and stomach don't look as big these days" ;-)
Thursday, July 06, 2006, 2:14 PM
I seem to store my weight mostly on my stomach and face. My behind never changes that much really, and I have to gain quite a bit before it really shows on my arms and legs, but my stomach always gets it first. I have a round face anyway, and any extra weight makes me look even rounder
Thursday, July 06, 2006, 2:16 PM
The the 2:13 poster, no, you do not need to explain, at least not to me. Big breasts mean back aches, button up shirts are impossible to wear, and disgusting men ogle at you at the time, and walking/jogging/step aerobics can be painful.
Thursday, July 06, 2006, 2:16 PM
I lose the belly fat last. In fact, the last time I remember having a "flat" belly was in 1991, right after I lost 10 lbs due to a stomach bug.
I'm pretty well distributed, but have a buddha belly that doesn't want to go away. I also get some fat in the arms.
For me, my legs are the leanest part of my body... I lose in the legs, face and chest first, arms and belly last.
Thursday, July 06, 2006, 2:18 PM
Sadly, I wish I could keep some of the fat in my chest! LOL :-D I'm pretty much a barely B-cup otherwise. When I have extra weight I'm a B Cup
Thursday, July 06, 2006, 2:19 PM
I have a round belly, even now that I am at my ideal weight. If I really suck in my abs whenever I think of it, especially when exercising, it helps keep it flat as possible.
Thursday, July 06, 2006, 2:48 PM
i am one of those "apple" shapes - i show weight gain the most in the belly. even though i gain everywhere (face, arms, chest, thighs, etc), i think i gain 2 lbs on the belly for every 1lb everywhere else. but when i lose it, i will miss the extra fat on the breasts. if we could only selectively lose...
Thursday, July 06, 2006, 6:24 PM
breasts are all fine and dandy unless you're a man! My man boobs and belly are out of control. With a shirt on I actually look pretty good, due to the muscular arms and legs, but with a shirt off it's quiet a sad sight.
Thursday, July 06, 2006, 7:03 PM
I'm finding that my bras are getting too big for me. I too think I'm a barely-B cup, when I was heavier I filled a padded cup 42B. I used to wear them at the biggest hooks, now the smallest hooks still have a tendency to be big and loose. And, with smaller waist and hips, the padding from the bras is making me look top heavy. Also, I'm now more secure just wearing tank tops with that built in secure bra thing (what's that called, anyway?). Yeah, so at some point in my not-so-distant future, a visit to Vickie's is in store to get a bra-fitting done again. Interesting problem.
Thursday, July 06, 2006, 7:58 PM
I'm a pear, butt & thighs are my big problem. Everywhere else isn't really a problem, but when I'm in a swimsuit, you can easily see where the majority of my weight is! I too, wish I could put some of that into my chest (A cup)!!
Thursday, July 06, 2006, 8:10 PM
I'm big in my thighs, hips, and butt. Small on top-- especially my bust. I lose weight in my chest and stomach first.
Thursday, July 06, 2006, 10:08 PM
I have a nice Large hour glass figure. Big Chest, med waist, big butt & thighs all the way down to my calfs. I usually lose my weight in my waist first, however while that is going down this time, I am already noticeing a difference in my thighs for the first time.
Saturday, July 08, 2006, 8:23 PM
I carry most of my weight in my stomach and upper body. For a while I thought I looked like a barrel on stilts. Since losing weight, my body is more evenly proportioned.
Sunday, July 09, 2006, 10:00 PM
butt, love handles, and lower abs
I hold most of my weight in my butt, lower abs and love handles. On my fathers side they have all big bellies, on my mothers side they have all big butts, now I get stuck with both, ugh. Good thing I can keep my weight pretty low and not carry too much weight in those areas.
Monday, July 10, 2006, 1:41 PM
LOL @ the comment about a "barrel on stilts".
For many years, I compared my body to that of one of those round posts on the end of a boat pier.
Monday, July 10, 2006, 1:46 PM
to my barrell & pier body sisters
i am so glad i'm not alone. i refer to my body shape as "flour sack". sooo soft and fleshy around the middle. especially after having a child, don't even get me started.... the OP wanted to hear some good so: i do like how easy it is to see muscle definition in my arms and legs when the weight drops off...
Monday, July 10, 2006, 2:09 PM
Everything I eat goes straight to my butt and thighs. It makes shopping for pants and swimsuits nearly impossible. Even when I am thin, any pants that will go past my thighs and hips are too loose in the waist. As my friend once said in a dressingroom when I was 5'6" 125 - "Those pants don't fit 'cause you're too skinny and your butt's too big." Gee, thanks best bud!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006, 3:56 PM
Large breasted athletes
my fat goes everywhere, but once i start losing weight it seems to stay between my bellybutton and mid thigh area.
for those of you with really big boobs. im a 38 DDD. i have found the best sports bra ever. you can get it at
the bra name is the last resort bra. i run with it and i can hardly tell i have boobs.true its pretty tight but you can still breath and you dont get thrown off balance when you hop anywhere. for everyday use, i wear their wired and ready to go bra.
These bras have seriously changed my life. i love them.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006, 4:38 PM
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