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Core Rhythms
Anyone seen this infomercial or done the DVD's?
It's like core/ab work with latin dancing. My aunt bought the 3 dvd's and I'm burning copies of them for my mom and myself... going to give it a try tonight, just wondering if anyone else had any reviews.
Mon. Jul 10, 3:10pm
Sounds similar to TurboJam, and I have seen people on PT use that. I'd guess that any dance video is fun, which makes it more likely oone will use it!
Saturday, October 21, 2006, 10:38 AM
Core Rhythms a Scam?
The workout is one thing, but beware of the less than clear ordering guidelines if you are purchasing this product.
Sunday, November 26, 2006, 12:29 AM
RE: Core Rhythms
I have the starter kit so far, but I'm receiving a new one in the mail in the next few days that I can't wait to receive. The DVD is a really good workout. You definitely feel it in your abs, and if you don't wear shoes, you get a really good leg workout as well (though, I suppose you're supposed to wear shoes). Anyway, If you love dance aerobic videos, you'll have fun doing this one. The full workout one doesn't supply great instruction, but if you watch it once through and then try to do it, it is easier. The 20 minute quick workout has better instruction. I've seen lots of other videos that are done by other companies that are like this so it isn't something that I think needs to be stressed, as I've seen others do. I have seen a few inches drop but as for pounds, I think it is one of those video systems you have to work at for a while. Make sure you have something to keep the sweat out of your eyes though. You'll sweat a lot, especially once you figure out what you're doing. And make sure you have water handy, you'll want some probably after the first section on the longer workout. I haven't tried the help menu or shifted the screen to the back yet, but I don't feel as if I'm missing out on anything by not doing that.
Thursday, July 05, 2007, 2:44 PM
Re: Core Rhythms
About buying it. Purchase it online rather than over the phone. It's less confusing and I don't know about you, but I never liked the idea about buying something over the phone when I'm not speaking to an actual person. There are two different options and you get a better clue to what they are online. You can get the starter kit and join a club where you get a new video every month for the next six months (which is what I did). Or you can do a one time payment and get the starter kit only. The later option is the one where you will pay about 80 bucks. This is the one that a lot of people end up getting without realizing it. I hate it when people are quick to post bad things. It makes it pretty obvious they didn't bother to do their research before giving out their bank account information. As you can guess, I have very little sympathy for those people. The option with the club, it is 14.95 plus s&h which is about 10 bucks more, but that is only a trial. You will get charged another 14.95 unless you want to pay the entire 38 and some change up front. I didn't get charged for s&h which I just paid the entire 38 and some change, which is about 95 cents, up front. I got my videos on time and there were no charge problems (I was only charged once). And before anyone thinks 38 and some change is too expensive, you're getting three DVD's for that amount, which is rather cheap when there are ones you can get for 16 bucks each, with only one DVD.
For those of you who want to either take the risk by buying the product, after you research it of course, or those who get a bootleg copy, it's a pretty good product and you'll probably be surprised with how good of a workout it is without you feeling extremely overworked (e.g., running several miles).
Thursday, July 05, 2007, 2:56 PM
I find it interesting that the initial poster (Mon. Jul 10, 3:10pm) admits BUYING 1 copy and STEALING 2 more copies, then goes on to solicit information about the program. Subsequent postings question the integrity of the program, one poster using the word "scam" with a question mark - a time honored smear technique. In sum, there is a lot of verbiage about the efficacy or the program and scruples of the marketing, but while folks are expressing their concern for their own well being, no one seems at all concerned that the very first post admits to stealing the DVD's - twice! I am not a Core Rhythms user, I just stumbled onto this blog accidentally. I have never purchased or used the product so I don't know if it is a good thing or not, but I do find it an interesting and revealing study of human nature that the people collaborating here to protect their own interests fail to see the hypocrisy in their own dishonesty. It reminds me of the old adage: " We criticize most in others that which we fear most in ourselves". Food for thought folks...
Friday, May 15, 2009, 11:14 AM
OMG, this post was from 2 years ago...who cares?????
Friday, May 15, 2009, 6:22 PM
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