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lazy metabolism

i think my metabolism has come to a screeching halt after the first week of dieting! i lost 5 pounds so far and i havent changed anything but i stopped losing weight. i think my metabolism needs a pick-me-up. i already exercise...does anyone have any thoughts on this one?

Mon. Jul 10, 10:35pm

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Don't starve yourself, drink plenty of water, sleep as much as you need, don't discount hormonal influences, try something different for your workout!

Have fun! This is a life long process, not a quick fix.

Monday, July 10, 2006, 10:39 PM

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Don't give up just yet! Each person's body loses at its own rate.

I tend to lose only about 1/3 lb a week... Others are 1-3 lbs a week.

However, I look at my long-range weight change, and can see that the trend has been going down. So, yes.. Try a new workout, maybe vary your diet just a little and look at long term vs. short-- It's likely that the 1st week or so, you're losing more water than anything else...

Good luck!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006, 12:41 AM

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Did you lose 5lbs your first week? That's awesome but not attainable for a long term goal.
My initial goal was 1-2 lbs a week but really 1lb was all I was able to manage. I lost the first 20lbs at pretty much exactly 20 lbs a week and since then it has REALLY been slowing down... BUT it is still coming off.

One thing to look at is what kind of excercise are you doing? I was doing lots of Pilates which is good for you, but doesn't really burn a lot of calories. So while it's an excellent excercise for toning your body it's not great for losing weight. I have cut back the Pilates to just 3 times a week and ride my elliptical everyday and that seems to be helping again.
Also weight training helps build muscle, lean muscle burns calories... so weight training can really help your body burn calories more effectively.

Other tips...
drink plenty of water it will oxygenate your blood so that your muscles get the oxygen you need when excercising instead of starving them. Also when your dehydrated you can feel hungry when you really aren't.

sleep! lack of sleep slows your metabolism, and studies have shown people eat more when they are tired.

Eat... not eating enough will make your body think your starving and it will work to hold on to that extra weight.

And for some reason spicy food is supposed to increase your metabolism.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006, 8:09 AM

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Really? Is that true about the spicy food? I have never heard that before.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006, 9:06 AM

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Spicey food addressed and other tips...
long and short of it ..... not really good wives tale though huh....

Tuesday, July 11, 2006, 9:42 AM

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Great book out there!

I just read an interesting book from the library that has all kinds of pointers for boosting metabolism and determining what area you might have a problem in. You should check it out!

It's called:
Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss by Mark Hyman

Amazon Link:


Tuesday, July 11, 2006, 11:11 AM

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thanks for all the suggestions! yea, i lost 5 pounds the first week and i DEF dont expect that to happen again! i know it was just water weight but it was a good jumpstart to this new lifestyle.

i really struggle with balancing how much is too much to eat and how much is not enough, you know? is there any scientific way to know for sure?

my workout is pretty much the same thing: treadmill, the road, or eliptical. i vary it up by running for endurance some days and then for speed the next. there are no classes at my gym so im limited.

i think ill check out that book...but til then, no one has heard of a food that boosts metabolism (aside from spicy food)?

thanks for the help!!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006, 9:44 PM

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keep it natural!

The foods that are best for your body are best for your metabolism. Lots of veggies and fruits help. The more veggies the better. Basically try to eat things that aren't processed and are recognizable as what they started as. Green tea has been helpful to me and has lots of antioxidants too!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006, 10:58 PM

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