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someone who hates workouts
Do you find workouts and a trip to the gym as painful and detestable as I do? Well, my goal for this summer is to loose 15 lb. (that is, from 126 lb. to 111 lb.) and I as I mentioned before, I absolutely HATE workouts. So do you think I will be able to loose 15 lb. by only doing an hour of swimming and tennis every single day without doing workouts?
Tue. Jul 18, 1:34pm
i dont think so.... to lose weight you need to do a variety of things such as weight training and cardio combined with dieting
Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 2:34 PM
If you create a caloric deficit, you'll lose weight. Now, nobody can determine how much weight you can lose doing a specific activity, but if this is an increase over the activity you've been doing, and if you don't raise your calorie intake, you'll lose some weight.
Also, it will depend on how vigorous your activity is - if you get into your target heart rate zone, you'll burn more calories.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 3:02 PM
I'm sorry but you CAN lose weight without working out. I've done it. How much just depends on your body. And if you don't work out now any additional exercise will only help you! Go for it, swimming is excellent for you also!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 3:04 PM
Swimming and tennis ARE workouts! If everyone on here got an hour of either swimming or tennis every day, we'd all be losing weight! That's a ton of exercise!
Add diet to that routine, and I'd say you're there! Assuming you're giving yourself room to make it losing about 1lb a week. People say that you can sustain 1-2 lbs fo weight loss per week, but in my experience, once you're at the lower end of the weight spectrum, it takes longer. (I've gone from 128 lbs to 117 lbs, in about a year. But, through most of the year, I've been maintaining. And I definitely don't get an hour of exercise every day!)
Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 3:12 PM
Yes you can lose weight without working out...but it's a much slower process and when you're within 10% of your goal, it's close to impossible.
Swimming for an hour without any breaks - just nonstop laps at a moderate pace, which is a bit dull but I've done it - burns about 400-450 calories for a 125-lb person. Strangely, tennis for someone your weight also comes in at 400-450 cals/hr.
Just because it doesn't happen in a gym doesn't mean it's not a workout! It sounds like a great plan for the summer :)
Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 3:26 PM
I can only speak for myself, but I started out this journey just cutting fat from my diet and watching my portions. I lost weight and then started exercising- just swimming (1.25 miles 3x a week- about 50 min) and walking. I heard someone on NPR say that it doesn't matter what it is, as long as you are LOVING it enough to DO it regularly!
I love swimming laps, although most people find it dull. I do it consistently b/c I enjoy it so much...
Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 6:48 PM
I just lost ~10 pounds through diet only. Due to an injury I have been unable to exercise much but needed to lose weght. I was just very restrictive with calories and tried to maximize nutritional content. It was much more challenging than losing through diet and exercise has been, but by no means impossible.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 7:07 PM
Swimming and Tennis are some of the BEST Workouts!
Sheesh, don't be fooled. Both of those sports can burn some serious calories. That is exercise, even if you're not pumping iron.
The only way to stick with it is to do what you love. If this is it, then go for it! Sure, there's other types of activities and we all have an opinion about what is best. But like someone already said, what is best for you is what you will stick with. Have fun!
Use the link below to estimate your calories burned by activity.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 9:42 PM
tennis and swimming are really great workouts they are my favorites too... I hate jogging and staying indoors in the gym.. they are no fun for me either.. I think that is the only thing helping me from not gaining any more weight... tennis make sure you keep moving even if you are picking up balls if you go at a fast pace picking things up its all cardio that keep syour heart rate up... keep up the excellent work...!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 2:24 AM
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