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HELP!!! I want to eat and it's 10:30pm:(
If my body says I'm hungry, shouldn't I eat? I do really have hunger pains. I don't feel like fruit or healthy lite crackers. Should I eat anything with zero fat if I must eat at night? I'm thinking about immitation crab meat with zero cal butter? No fat, that's good right? 90 cal for 1/2 cup?
I'm just scared I'll wake up starving and then overdo it tomorrow.
What do you do when your not in the mood for anything healthy?
Tue. Jul 18, 11:32pm
sometimes if I am hungry I'll eat if it's late, but I don't eat a big breakfast and I workout in the mornings, maybe do the same
Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 11:41 PM
I'm lucky/unlucky in that I have some mild acid reflux so I really can't eat after 6-7 at night or so, and the few times I have I've regretted it. Thus I grit my teeth and ignore it. Surprisingly it's really not that urgent and I am generally no hungrier in the morning if I had the munchies the night before than I am if I was perfectly fine the entire night.
A cup of decaf hot tea w/splenda might help you feel satisfied and sleepy. However if you think it might get really bad try a little bowl of cereal (usually fairly filling) or maybe a little warm veggie or chicken broth.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 12:36 AM
have a cup of water and sit there for 30 minutes doing other things and fall asleep or have a little bit of something... because I can never go to sleep when I am hungry... I would have jello or a 15 cal popsicle
Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 2:21 AM
EAT! If you're hungry, woman, eat eat eat! What you were proposing is just fine, and also healthy, just make sure it's what you WANTED to eat, or you might end up grazing chasing the satisfaction you'd get from the food you wanted. Whatever it is, eat a portion, check to see if you're satisfied, and go from there. All this deprivation does is make you bananas. And why wake up ravenous only to overeat? Wouldn't that be worse? I have not imposed any time restrictions on when I eat and I've lost over 30 lbs. (with about 10 to go). Just savor the food you do eat, pay attention to your body so you don't get overstuffed, and respect your body and mind with a little more sanity! Hugs, I hope whatever it was was delicious! :)
Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 8:26 AM
I SURVIVED!!! Thank you to all that posted. I am happy to report I did not cave in!! I ended up having a glass of water and then fell asleep. I woke up this morning feeling just fine. I walked at 6am with my walking buddy and then ran a mile on my treadmill and I feel great. I do think I'm not eating enough during the day and that's why I was sooo hungry. I have a hard time staying balanced.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 10:11 AM
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