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What is the best way to flatten your tummy????

I've never had a problem with my stomach until about a year ago. Before then, I always gained weight in my lower body -- my hips, butt and thighs. But now, I have this little gut and clothes just look and fit terribly. I started doing 100 situps a day, but now I am worried that it will just build muscle there and it wont' flatten out -- can anyone help with tips or suggestions from your experience????

Fri. Jul 21, 2:37pm

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You can't "spot reduce" You can build muscle in your abs - it won't be particularly bulky, but it won't give you a "flat tummy" either.

Friday, July 21, 2006, 2:45 PM

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make sure that your ab work is focused on your lower abs. Standard crunches do virtually nothing for your lower abs. The reverse crunches where you start on your back, legs up, and then gently lift your butt and legs up work your lower abs.

And something new I've been trying that has really helped flatten my lower tummy is on the link below. Do it the way she says with all your muscles tightened, and boy do you feel it... all I know is it's working for me.


Friday, July 21, 2006, 4:14 PM

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PIlates is great for a flat tummy because you strengthen your core muscles while maintaining good posture (and good posture alone can go a long way). Yes, you do need to lose weight to see it, but once the weight comes off and you are toned and standing up straight it is a wonderful thing to behold. I am speaking from a oh-so-close-to-flat tummy position :-) and I generally carry my weight around my waist/hips/thighs so it's been a goal!

Friday, July 21, 2006, 5:32 PM

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Hold your stomach in all the time, especially during exercise.

Friday, July 21, 2006, 8:01 PM

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