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Do any of you work out twice in a day just so you can splurge on Supper?
I have been really good with exercising. I did my 2 miles this morning. I have 595 cal to eat tonight to keep my calorie intake at 1200. The meal I'm making is 350 cal and 190 fat calories for just one chimichanga. Not to mention the cheese and extra enchilada sauce I added. I can easily eat 2 of them. SOOOO, I could control myself and have just one with a fudge bar and some veggies......OR... I could splurge and walk an extra mile on the treadmill before supper?
What to do, What to do? Will this plan really work?
Mon. Jul 24, 7:31pm
I actually walk in the morning min 1 mile then walk at night and that one depends on what I eat in the day.... Min. walked in one day 3 miles calories burned due to exercise 300 min....if I have had a high calorie day... sometimes if I am in a good mood I walk more just cause I know it is good for me... It seems to be working plus if for some reason I am not able to do the evening walk I know that I have at least gotten some exercise in...
Monday, July 24, 2006, 9:14 PM
Yes, I sometimes work out twice; NO I don't splurge
Yes, I sometimes work out twice; NO I don't splurge.
I've consciously made the choice NOT to sabotage myself.
Monday, July 24, 2006, 10:49 PM
Or you could eat based on how hungry you are and not on an alloted number of calories. Or you could take a walk because it feels good to exercise and not because you can get extra calories to eat from it. You will probably make yourself crazy counting calories like this.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006, 9:02 AM
Yes, you may subtract any exercise calories from your daily calorie total and eat more. I use Diet Power software to track my calories. The software has an exercise calorie database to calculate exercise calories and the software will subtract any exercise calories I log from my daily calorie total. I have lost 17 pounds since mid-March using this software, so I know that subtracting out exercise calories works!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006, 12:44 PM
Use caution
I guess just as long as you don't make it a habit to support your eating with excessive excercise. I used to weight train for about 3 hours a day. That pretty much let me eat as much as I want... Then I had a training injury and put on a pound a day for 30 days and another 30 a few months later...
Tuesday, July 25, 2006, 12:51 PM
Stay the course
Sometimes I workout 2 times in one day. It feels good when I do it too. Makes me feel like I have accomplished something. You should probably eat a little more on those days but don't do anything drastic because if you get in the habit of "splurging" and you don't workout twice in one day you may start to gain weight.. I would also recommend "plurging"on something healthful rather than try something not so nutritious. Drink a bunch of water with your meals and you will fill up quick and the extra food won't be so tempting.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006, 3:50 PM
I didn't even eat a whole chimichanga last night...YAY!! I filled my plate with corn and I found I was filling up and really didn't "NEED" the extra. It sure tasted good and I could have ate more but I am discovering what I really need verses what I want:)
Thanks for the advice.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006, 4:04 PM
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