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This is amusing, I don't care if this is controversial- the pictures are funny as hell.
Wed. Jul 26, 1:59pm
ROFLMAO. Seriously hilarious.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 2:03 PM
another funny website that makes fun of men like carson is ""
they show the full picture of him, not just the head!
i know it's all so very cruel and ridiculous but i used to find it a riot to look at when i was bored at my desk job last year!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 2:05 PM
I understand fully that this is no laughing matter. When I see a picture of Calista or Nicole or Lindsay, I feel so so sad. So why is it that I am literally rolling on the floor laughing at the picture of Carson?
Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 2:16 PM
i just think the name manorexia is hilarious! hahah
Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 2:20 PM
Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 3:05 PM
why is this funny?
Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 3:46 PM
I don't think anyone meant to offend anyone. Sorry if anyone's feelings were hurt. This was not my intent.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 3:55 PM
should we post pictures of fat people and make fun of them, too?
Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 3:56 PM
I'm sorry, you think people not eating to fit into some sort of impossible mould and potentially harming themselves or worse is funny? Ya the play on words is 'well done', if I can even say that. But no one says genocide is funny, no one says bulemia is funny. Ya controversial in the sense that your comments were more overpowering than the msg.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 3:58 PM
so when a man suffers from an eating disorder it's funny to you? shame, shame on you! would you appreciate the opinion from a man that a woman's eating disorders are amusing? (wag of the finger!!!)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 4:29 PM
I find it interesting that America is becoming a culture where we have so many of both extremes... Obese people and anorexic looking people. What has happened to make some quit eating all together and some to eat so much they are unhealthy? It's sad.
But I agree, this thread isn't that big of a deal. Lighten up people! Carson isn't reading this getting his feelings hurt! (and if you are Carson, shame on us!!)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 5:30 PM
Its no wonder there is less men on this site then women with people like this on there. C'mon who thinks men having the SAME issue as women is funny...
Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 6:12 PM
I think what was funny was the picture itself. There is nothing funny about any disease. BTW, this site is a FIND for guys, there are so many extraordinary women here ;)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 6:25 PM
funny picture, terrible disease
i can only speak for myself, but to me the funny part is the ridiculous face that carson is making in the second picture. anorexia is heartbreaking, not humorous- be it a male or female who suffers from it.
before we start lashing out at one another, note that the OP simply said that the pictures were funny. i see that as different than laughing at individuals who have eating disorders.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 8:14 PM
I went to the website to see the funny pictures and thot that I must have missed it because I just saw the before and after picture of Carson. The first thot that popped in my head is "I wonder if he's on meth." Have you seen the before and after pictures of people on that drug? Now that is scary..
Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 10:28 PM
I'm with the 8:14 poster -- the second picture is just goofy and that's why I laughed. And my first reaction was skepticism: "it's not the same person, this is just a website being silly". I swear, the only thing they have in common is the eyebrows.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 11:26 PM
however, the OP did title this thread manorexia, and stated that he/she knew it might be controversial. it's really not just about the pictures being funny when you present it that way.
is it funny because he is a celebrity? personally, i have only heard this guy's name a few times and don't know what he does to be famous, but it's really shocking to read this thread and read how people are mocking someone because of their looks/weight issues. very counter-productive. and what message do you think this sends to the men on this site who may suffer from this so-called "manorexia"? definitely not the message of "we are here to support each other".
Thursday, July 27, 2006, 9:35 AM
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