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Gluten-free/ Wheat-free

Does anyone have information on or experience with gluten-free /wheat-free dieting? I was recently told I may have somewhat of a wheat allergy, and I am having a really hard time figuring out what to eat. A lot of alternative products taste pretty gross, and it seems I am not getting enough fiber anymore for regular bowel movements. Help!

Sun. Aug 6, 5:58pm

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do a search for gluten on all threads and there are 2 threads there that might help.

here is one


Sunday, August 6, 2006, 6:52 PM

Add comment and are great sites. I do wheat free but not gluten free (still eat kamut and spelt and oat) and I don't miss wheat or how miserable it makes me at all. I'm gonna get a t-shirt that says "wheat is evil" or maybe one that says "wheat is murder"

Sunday, August 6, 2006, 9:14 PM

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i recently stopped eating wheat and have been relieved of the constant feeling of being bloated (i didn't even notice i felt that way until it went away!!) i eat pasta made from the graun quinoa-it's very good and easy to get used to the change from wheat pasta. i eat bread made with pumperknickel/rye flours and although it is denser, it usually is sliced very thin and is also very easy to get used to. there are great crackers on the market made from nuts or rice instead of wheat (a bit crispier, but delicious). i have found that the fear/anticipation of giving up wheat was much worse than the actual process. there are so many alternatives available now. you could ask the customer service desk in your local grocery store about the wheat-free/gluten-free products they carry. i feel so incredibly better nowadays!! good luck!

by the way, no wheat means no beer and a lot of hard alcohols. read your labels carefully!

Monday, August 7, 2006, 9:07 AM

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I also don't eat wheat or gluten. Wheat gives me a hang over and so does gluten to some degree.
Quinoa is excellent and so it millet, both grains and very filling. You can buy millet bread very yummy and fruit sweetened. Quinoa is the only complete protein all by itself. You would have to combind rice and beans, etc. to make a complete protein with other foods. Just an FYI.
You could eat polenta or corn/quinoa pasta. A company called Mrs. Leepers makes really good rice pasta. They have vegatable twists that great warm or cold.
Mochi is a really sticky rice goodie that you cut into small squares and bake until puffs up. You can buy cinnamon raison or pizza flavored, etc.
In Oregon we have this amazing stuff called dragon toast. It makes great pizza crusts and sandwich wraps.
FYI a lot of things are sweetened with barley malt... barley contains gluten. I know I am all over the board here. If you want other ideas I would be happy to share. YOu can do this. It is just a matter of finding the good products and sticking to being creative. Sonia

Monday, August 7, 2006, 3:14 PM

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dragon toast

I am trying to get more information on Dragon Toast. Where can I buy this Mochi product?


Sunday, October 21, 2012, 12:46 PM

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There are many gluten free products that taste fabulous; that's the problem. Many of them have sugar and they are high in carbs. I've gotten into lots of problems because they are so good. So to help with the morning constitutional, I heat up frozen blueberries, then add yogurt and a tablespoon of ground flax seed (from Trader Joe's) I guarantee you that you will have no problems with regularity. Also you can find gluten free oatmeal...there are many tasty possibilities.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 12:33 PM

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Wheat/gluten free

I agree with previous comments re how much better I feel without wheat. I also now actively avoid gluten free products, other than the bread, except as a special, occasional treat.
I find not eating wheat really helps me 'keep the brakes on' in a social situation where I would be tempted to over eat. Saying 'I don't eat wheat' seems a much stronger and effective way of refusing food offered than saying 'I'm on a diet', or just 'No thanks'! Also, when I haven't prepared ahead and am out and hungry, not eating wheat more or less forces me into healthy choices - especially as I don't eat cheese!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 3:11 AM

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