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Water Aerobics
Has anyone had success with one of these programs? I love to swim, so I am thinking about taking a class...
Wed. Aug 16, 9:07am
I took a class last summer. it was a lot of fun and actually a lot of cardio. there isn't any swimming involved. lots of running in place and running laps in the pool with foam "weights" for resistance. mostly worked legs.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006, 9:43 AM
The aquatics class I take at 24 hr Fitness "ain't your Mama's water workout". There is 1 full hour of strenuous exercise with at least 30 minutes of cardio. Depending on the instructor, we often get a 800-1000 cal workout. It's much harder than any other workout I could do outside of the pool.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006, 9:55 AM
I lost my first 70 pounds doing nothing but water aerobics. In fact, I liked it so much that I taught it for two years after losing the majority of the weight I dropped (over 100). For me, it was the safest place to start for my body, being so big to start with, and also very comfortable and healthy while I was pregnant. It can be a great, well-balanced workout, depending on your instructor and how hard you push yourself.
There does come a point where it isn't enough to keep you moving forward just doing that though. Prepare yourself to cross-train and lift weights on down the road.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006, 11:02 AM
I love water aerobics, we're actually on a summer break at the minute and I'm missing it like crazy! I can't wait until it starts again in September. It makes my calf muscles into marble! =)
Wednesday, August 16, 2006, 2:56 PM
My mother loved doing water aerobics, I think she would attend classes a couple time per week, but she had to stop because she caught pneumonia, so be careful. She was in her mid 40’s at the time.
Thursday, August 17, 2006, 9:31 AM
At Home Pool Tips
anyone do aerobics or a workout in their own pool? I'm trying to add to my laps some other exercises... Thoughts, ideas?
Thursday, August 17, 2006, 9:52 AM
I've been doing Aquasize for over 2 years now 2 x a week. It is my FAVORITE! There are lots of things you can do to increase the difficulty of your work out if needed. I put elastics or resistance bands around my akles (they can be used while doing jacks or cross country in the water & should be available at your pool) You can also get a pair of webbed gloves that create greater reisitance when doing upper body exercises! I do a combo of shallow water classes and deep water classes. Try both and see which you like best!
Thursday, September 21, 2006, 3:13 PM
here's a question about pool sanitation:
does the water in these public pools get changed daily? or is it the chemical cocktail that keeps them free of germs? i have always been hesitant to use the public pool/gym pool because of this question. but i have not ever asked at any facility-i think it's a strange worry...but, still, i worry about this.
Thursday, September 21, 2006, 3:23 PM
No, water is not changed daily, but there are lots of public health standards in most places requiring filtering and checking the water frequently and yes, adding lots of chemicals to keep it to safe standards. Still, it can get overwhelmed with too much bacteria and if testing is not done to standards there can be problems. I think it's best not to go just after there have been tons of kids in the pools, just my preference. Still, the benefits outweigh the chemicals for me. In some places there are private pools that use bromine instead of chlorine, much easier on the skin and the sinuses.
Friday, September 22, 2006, 5:53 AM
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