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Workout Rut?
Okay I'm really confused everything I read says to make sure your changing your workout to avoid getting into a rut... but what if you like a rut?
I've always hated starting an excercise program cause I don't know what I'm doing. I don't feel comfortable doing the excercises. I don't feel like I'm properly working out until I've done it a few times and gotten my rhythm. I know by switching I can work new and different muscle groups but is there really anything wrong with a rut?
My current rut is 32 minutes on my elliptical, I change the program, the speed and intensity based on how much energy I have but every day I stick to the 32 minutes on the elliptical. Followed by a Abs forcused Pilates DVD which takes me close to 30 minutes to complete.
I used to do one or the other but found my Abs looked great with just Pilates but the weight wouldn't come off, and the weight came off with the Elliptical but my Abs got flabby... anyways do I need to add in, like strength training to change things up. And if so how do I know I'm doing the excercises correctly?
Thu. Aug 17, 3:51pm
I am the same way....
But I think if you change your speed/intensity, that is enough of a change. I do the stationary bike for 40 min/10 miles every morning as well as do situps. I have been trying to mix it up and get even MORE cardio by rollerblading a couple times a week in addition to the bike. Not sure if this will help since it is still the SAME exercise????
Also, I've heard that Pilates really help the abs. I bought a DVD, but havent started it yet. Thanks for the reminder.
Thursday, August 17, 2006, 4:05 PM
If you're changing the program you do on the elliptical, you're probably OK in terms of cardio. As far as strength training goes, if you like videos, there are a lot of good videos out there that demonstrate good form. Try the collage fitness website (see link) and be sure to read the reviews.
Thursday, August 17, 2006, 4:07 PM
There's definitely something to be said for having a routine, but there's a reason it's called a rut.
I do know that my form has come leaps and bounds (no pun inteneded) by taking several training sessions with a good trainer. It's wonderful to have someone objectively evaluate your form and help you get a handle on correcting your weak areas and build on your strengths. It dosn't need to be a regular thing, but it's a great way to get started and acheive some level of confidece that you are doing 'x exercise' correctly and after you've been doing something for awhile you can occasionally get back together with a trainer to make sure you are still doing things correctly and/or take things to a higher level. I recently took a couple pilates classes with a woman who has been teaching pilates for the ballet for decades and she immediately was able to correct several small issues with my form that were keeping me from fully benefiting from various exercises - it was great and I am now more effective with my pilates workouts. Since you ask about strength training - it is generally a very good way of increasing the amount of muscle you have and that in turn is really the only way to permanently boost your metabolism. I HIGHLY recommend 3-4 sessions with a trainer to learn to lift properly and come up with a 6-9 month program for yourself since you can easily hurt yourself through improper form, overuse and muscle imbalance. I took a weightligting class in college and was immediately intimidated by the number of football jocks in there (the coach was the teacher), but the instructor was very adamant about learning proper form and learning how much was right for each individual person. We worked on customized programs for ourselves, never skimped on stretching and I have taken those lessons to the gym with myself ever since. it was one of the best classes I ever took.
I like occasionally shaking things up because after awhile I don't feel as though I get as much out of my workouts as I did when I first started doing them.
Thursday, August 17, 2006, 4:20 PM
so long as you wind up doing more in your workout, you should be fine. Running and swimming are my exercise of choice- I won't be switching to anything else anytime soon. However, I make sure the distance I cover increases over time, but the time I spend doing it remains constant.
A rut is called a rut because your body becomes used to the workout and it's no longer challenging. You can keep the same exercise challenging by increasing intensity or duration. So long as you keep increasing the intensity you work out at, you'll be fine.
Thursday, August 17, 2006, 11:55 PM
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