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Anniversary!!! :D

My husband's and my 5 year anniversary is coming up this Friday. We've been through a lot together, and I've been thinking back on all of the good times, great times, and not so hot times that we've had. It's been one helluva ride, and definitely not one I'd trade for anything!!! :D

It got me thinking about all of the wonderful little things that have made me feel so great about my time with him and I wondered what kind of experiences other people have had. (I'd be lying if I tried to pretend I wasn't also looking for ideas for ways to surprise him on Friday night) I know for me a lot of my favorite times have been something as simple as him leaving little "I love you" messages around the house. One morning I woke up to check my e-mail and there was a giant MS word document open on my desktop with humongous red font. It was so sweet I almost squealed. Maybe I'm just easy to please :)

So what "special moments" and "Favorite times" have the lovely denizens of PT had with their loved ones?

Mon. Aug 21, 1:10pm

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Are you doing this for you or him??? If he's into cutsie romantic stuff I don't know what to tell you, but in my experience my husband has always done the special at night thing for me- not him. The best evening was dinner then he brought me to a bluff and shot off fireworks... very sweet and romantic (but check your state's fireworks laws first).

My default method may not be what you had in mind, but my husband swears there is nothing he likes more than a "good morning" blow....

Monday, August 21, 2006, 2:04 PM

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i once made a mixed tape of songs that either meant something to us both or reminded me of things we had done together, or wanted to do together in the future and played it while we looked at a photo album i assembled from our times together. it seemed a little corny while i was putting it together, but it was actually romantic and reminded us of many experiences we hadn't thought about in a while.

Monday, August 21, 2006, 2:17 PM

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my husband and i send flirty/sexy text messages to each other during the day while we're apart.

Monday, August 21, 2006, 2:25 PM

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The best present I've ever given my fiance (he says it's the best, not me) is a photo of us, where, I bought a frame with a mat in it, and covered the mat with pics/quotes from magazines - a collage. I took a lot of time to find things that were meaningful to us or funny. Then I put a picture of us in the frame. He really loves it! And it probably cost me $10 for the frame, and the time of cutting up old magazines.

Don't tell him, but I made the same present (though with a very different collage) for an ex, when we were together, and he loved it too. Even when we bitterly broke up, he didn't throw it away (I know, b/c we later became friends again).

I like leaving presents in places where they'll find it in the morning, for example, in the bathroom, or putting it on the bed while they're in the bathroom. Then it's totally unexpected, and that much more fun. And there's no build-up of anticipation of "you're going to get your present tonight," so you don't have to worry about overly building it up.

Other than the collage, my fiance always appreciates presents of things to do together and to look forward to more than stuff. I've gotten him tickets to concerts, comedy shows, sporting events, etc. And we've had some great times at them!

Monday, August 21, 2006, 2:50 PM

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OP here... to the 2:04 poster I'd be doing it for him of course. hehe. but more than anything it was just a giddy moment for me to think back on really special times and I wanted to share.

I love the picture frame collage idea! :D it shows a lot of thought. I'll have to do that for him sometime since he's got some desk space at work and I'm pretty sure he'd like having something to spruce it up. I'll just have to keep it clean ;)

Monday, August 21, 2006, 4:44 PM

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