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How soon does your PMS start?

I am about 7 days away from getting my period -- and already the numbers on the scale have gone up and I just started craving chocolate and salt. Is this normal? Does that mean I can look forward to only 2 good weeks per month?

Mon. Aug 28, 2:40pm

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Are you young and just started getting your period? Or are you asking because you just developed cravings and weight gain suddenly around your cycle? Yes, it's normal. Most women fluctuate in their weight before and during their cycle and cravings can vary in that time. Exercise and keeping your diet healthy should heed off the intensity of the cravings. I personally become nauseated a week before my period (I think it's a hormonal fluctuation) and then I crave chocolate and sweets a few days prior and a few days into my cycle. Being on the pill has helped tremendously with cramping and such. I usually only end up with 1 day of bloating. As a teenager my periods were pretty miserable.
Look at it this way - we have an excuse to eat chocolate :)

Monday, August 28, 2006, 2:51 PM

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for the op: there are lots of threads on this topic. if you type in "period" in the search window, you will find lots of info.

that said, i get my first symptoms the week before i'm due. it used to be not until the day before or the day of, but as i've gotten older, the time i spend dealing with my monthly has increased...yay

Monday, August 28, 2006, 3:09 PM

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I start the bloat about a week before my period. But, it comes on gradually, and then it goes away pretty quickly, during the first day or two of my period. So, really, it's only 1 "bad" week weight-wise. I always lose during my period.

Monday, August 28, 2006, 3:25 PM

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PMS for the next coming period starts about 3 days after the last one ends...hahah no really sometimes it feels that way... Some symptoms start up about 2 weeks before Aunt Flow shows, other symptoms do not come about til 7-3 days before.

Monday, August 28, 2006, 3:31 PM

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006, 1:03 PM

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As I got older, the nature of my PMS changed. Up until my later 30's, I only rarely suffered from PMS but had terrible cramps during my period. In my late 30's, I started suffering from PMS -- mostly bad headaches, mood changes, and nausea for longer and longer periods. Sometimes my PMS starts right after ovulation, so I have the pleasure of feeling PMS for about 2 weeks. The only compensation is that my menstrual cramps gradually became less severe.
I guess the only thing I can be glad about is that my PMS rarely involves food cravings or overeating.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006, 3:34 PM

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I know I didn't pay very close attention to the specifics of how my period affected my weight, moods and cravings until I began logging. I wonder if that has been the same for others here...

My weight gain and cravings are not nearly as intense now that I exercise regularly which makes sense since exercise can help regulate the levels of hormones in your body and keep them from fluctuating as much. I used to start getting bloated and want chocolate and salt a full week ahead and now I barely notice it. So I have to say the gym has been better than a pill in that respect.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006, 6:13 PM

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