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Green With Jealousy

So here I've been struttin around the house today, patting myself on the back for losing 9 pounds to date. Well, my husband came home from the doctor this afternoon, and damn him! He lost 20 pounds in the same time it took me to lose 9 pounds. I am so evil...I want to be happy for him, but all I can think about is how freekin jealous I am! I know, men lose weight soooo much faster than women do, but even so!
Any words to get me out of my ugliness would be appreciated!

Fri. Sep 9, 10:43pm

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I completely understand.

My husband gives up ice cream and loses 15 pounds in 2 weeks. I just wanted to scream when I saw him pop on the scale. My friend and I talk about this all the time. Her husband is the same way. He started biking, just biking and lost 20 pounds. Men simply, genetically have more muscle than us and they can burn it off more quickly when they attempt to take it off.

Here is something though: now that my husband looks and feels better, he usually selects better and more healthy foods so it's easier for me to stick to my diet. He also has more energy to get out and "play" so we do more active things outside, which is also a benefit for me. I've been racking my brain trying to think of something that is easier/faster for us but couldn't think of anything! Anyone?

Saturday, September 10, 2005, 6:56 AM

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I don't know of anything along these lines that's easier/faster for us, unless you look to ultra-marathoners...women have one something like the last 5 years in the 90+ mile race in Death Valley. We have more endurance! We have more tolerance for pain!

Anyway...I was going to say something a little more on-topic: the same thing happened to me. My boyfriend lost 15 pounds in the time it took me to lose 10. It was especially frustrating because I felt like I worked a lot harder, making much better food choices, and working out more regularly. I rationalized it to myself this way - he weighed 230, and I weighed 163. So he lost 6.5% of his body weight, and I lost 6.1% of my body weight. Even though he lost one and a half times as much as I did in terms of pounds, we lost very similar amounts in terms of percent of body weight. It made me feel better.

Sunday, September 11, 2005, 5:01 PM

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I have the opposite problem

My husband is a little shorter than me and has a very slight build. He's one of those guys who gets too skinny if he stops going to the gym. He always complains that he used to have about 25 lbs. more of muscle on him and he hates being so small. So here he is weighing about 10 lbs. LESS than me, grabs about a millimeter of flab on his belly and says, "I'm getting so fat." I want to throw something at him!

Sunday, September 11, 2005, 5:10 PM

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Ha, my fiance is doing the same thing - he's totally skinny too! Right now he outweighs me by about 12lbs, but at times it's only been about 5lbs - and he's 7" taller than me! He's *trying* to get up to 140, and I'm *trying* to get down to 120.

I see it as great motivation, though, to never let my weight get above his! Also, at least this way we're both motivated to get to the gym!

Monday, September 12, 2005, 8:59 AM

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First of all - ask yourself how much do you have to lose - and how much does he have to lose? It will vary between men and women - but it will really vary depending on how much you need to lose. If he's that much heavier than you - of course it'll come off faster.

But the truth of the matter is - it's not a race. You should be very proud of yourself for losing 9 pounds!!! That's awesome! How would you feel if you GAINED 9 pounsd? A lot worse.

Look - you are doing something good for yourself. One of the worst things we do is negate any progress by comparing ourselves to others. (Like the fact that I make about half the salary of my classmates from grad school - but to be honest, I have a great life that I didn't give up to become a corporate slave) It's your journey - and no one else's is like your own. Celebrate YOU - and your husband, too!

:) congrats!!

Monday, September 12, 2005, 1:14 PM

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not much to add except I think we all have times like that - thanks for posting about and thanks for the great responses!

Monday, September 12, 2005, 10:54 PM

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