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Poll: for members here for a few months, how long did it take you to get going on PeerTrainer?

Meaning, how long till you really felt like you really had a handle on how to take advantage of the site?

Mon. Sep 12, 8:42am

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2 months. I thought I had a handle on it sooner, but I didn't. Then I finally really overhauled my diet, and it began working. I stopped just trying to cut calories and fat, and began feeding my body the fuel that it needs and not all the other stuff, and I began seeing some results. I'm still not at my goal, which was only 5lbs, and it's been 4 months, but, I am thankful that I've overhauled many bad habits and started on track to a healthier lifestyle.

Monday, September 12, 2005, 8:48 AM

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I've been using Peertrainer for almost 5 months and felt like I started to take advantage of it immediately. I am a faithful poster and when I can see in black and white what I've eaten every day it makes me so much more accountable. I started at 249 and have lost 32 lbs. I do not starve myself. I try to exercise at least 3-4 times a week if not more. I have good days and bad days and try to tap into all of my resources in each group. I've been in several groups and like the ones where people actually post on a regular basis, provide encouragement and give helpful advice. We're all in it for the (mostly) the same reasons.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005, 2:35 PM

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2 weeks

it took me two weeks b/c the original group I was in kinda fell apart. once i got involved in a good support group, I become a "loser" over and over again

Wednesday, September 14, 2005, 7:30 PM

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to the poster who lost 32 pounds- wow, way to go! What strategies did you use to get those results?

Thursday, September 15, 2005, 12:18 PM

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poll response

i felt i had a good grasp on how to use the site immediately - it was very easy and very user friendly. i love the various groups we can join and that fact that our logs update all grous we are in - i was worried about that - i thought i might have to update the log for each group. i make sure to log in every day and when i can't log in on the weekends (no computer access at home) i make sure to keep track of my food and workouts and update the logs on monday when i return to work. i've lost 35 pounds since joining this site in june and i know this site played a HUGE part in that!

Friday, September 16, 2005, 11:44 AM

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