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First Half Marathon!

I just had to post and let everyone know that thanks to PeerTrainer I completed my first ever half marathon this past weekend! I started on PT in Oct 2005 and started to run in March 2006. After my first 5K in May 2006, I went on to complete the HM yesterday in 2 hours, 21 minutes.

I never thought that I could do anything like this and I'm still quite amazed with myself! It was such an emotional experience and I never would have been motivated to do it without PT and its great people!

Mon. Sep 18, 11:34am

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here's a hearty congratulations and a thanks for the encouragement your accomplishment has given me!

Monday, September 18, 2006, 11:35 AM

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Congratulations!!!! Keep up the good work.

Monday, September 18, 2006, 11:36 AM

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Congrats. I am hoping to acheive the same goal sometime in summer 07. Way to go!!!!!

Monday, September 18, 2006, 11:37 AM

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Wow thats is an awesome accomplishment! You should be very proud. I am training for my first HM in February. Do you have any tips?

Monday, September 18, 2006, 11:37 AM

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Awesome!!! I also completed my first half marathon because of Peer Trainer! We rock!

Monday, September 18, 2006, 11:44 AM

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Way to go! Great time! Any plans for future races?

Monday, September 18, 2006, 12:20 PM

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Good job!
PT is awesome and I plan on having the same comment about completing my first HM by this time next year!
So I'm looking for tips too... I just started running so it's a really big thing to think of doing...13 miles is A LOT longer than 1 or 2!!!

Monday, September 18, 2006, 1:15 PM

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OP here...thanks so much for all the great feedback :) As for my future plans, I definitely plan to continue running and enter more races. Running has done such wonders for both my physical and mental health...I never considered myself a runner but now I know I am when I actually miss running and cant wait to get outside!

As for advice for first timers...the biggest thing I can emphasize is having a positive mental attitude. You have to believe you can do it. ANYONE can do it, most runners out there are "normal" (not world class athletes) people. Believe me, if I can run 13.1 miles, anyone can. I was always the slowest person on my softball teams and never considered myself a runner, like I said. When I started in March I couldn't run more than 9 minutes without stopping and I think my pace was around a 12:00 minute mile. Make small goals for yourself. I didnt start running planning to do a half. I started running to get in shape, then as I was able to run 2, 3 miles, I planned to run (and ran) my first ever 5K. Then after that, I planned my next goal which was to do the half. It is helpful to take it in small steps...thinking about running 13.1 is overwhelming but as the weeks of training go by suddenly you are doing 6, 8, 11 miles and surprising yourself! Its so great to make goals for yourself and then have the awesome feeling of personal satisfaction when you meet those goals.

My biggest problem was overcoming my mental state of mind which has always been "I'm not a runner. I'm too slow to be a runner." Well I AM a runner and I am slow! But thats ok...don't be discouraged if you are slow. You will get faster as the training goes on, even if its improving from 12min miles to 10 minute miles...its real slow to some people, but for me its progress! I can't wait to run my next one and train even better than I did this one...its another new challenge now for me to beat my time :)

Most of all, have fun! Remember why you are out there doing it and remind yourself constantly. Those thoughts got me through the 13.1 yesterday :)

Monday, September 18, 2006, 2:00 PM

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Hooray Phillybee (sorry - I know it's you, and am so proud of you)!


Monday, September 18, 2006, 5:54 PM

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I"m not the OP, but one of the posters who said I also completed my first half marathon.

My tips:
1) get good shoes! There's not a big financial investment in running, but you should not skimp on shoes.
2) Start small and build up your mileage. If you have to start run/walking your first mile, that's fine.
3) Stay on a schedule. You have to get your body used to running--this is true of all exercise.
4) Don't be afraid to stop and take walk breaks. I had friends who ran marathons and I never realized that they were stopping for walk breaks during the runs. I thought they ran the whole 26 miles. A lot of people do, but you don't have to.

Monday, September 18, 2006, 7:40 PM

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