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Best Personal Trainer Certifications

I am looking in a very speculative way at certifying as a personal trainer next year. The first place I looked was the American Council on Exercise, but there are several accredited groups that certify for basic training and have additional speciialized components. I realize one might pursue a certificate from more than one group. But one at a time, and if I do it I want to align myself with one that is taken seriously.

Was wondering if anybody here is a trainer or otherwise has a perspective on which organizations are the most respected and have the most meaningful certificates.

Or if there are any other general things anyone wants to encourage or warn me about as I begin planning this.

Thank you

Tue. Sep 26, 3:33pm

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As a user of personal training services, I look for either NASM or ACE certified people. However, lifetime athletes of the same gender who have experimented with different training strategies on their own bodies are my favorites, with or without a certificate.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 6:14 PM

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Original poster here...

Perhaps I could broaden this question to admit more perspectives. Tnanks second poster for your input, and your answer gives me another way to ask this.

What are the qualities you are looking for in a trainer? What do expect/want in the person you hire, whether talking about certifications or other?

For myself, it's very similar to what you said. I want someone who seems a model (same sex, a body I can consider a model for myself) and especially someone who has been thru it. If I choose to go for this, I will be doing so after losing over 150 lbs. I secretly suspect many trainers are people who never had to dig themselves out of a hole (a generalization, I know) and I would feel most connected to someone I knew had overcome problems himself and was not just teaching me what he learned from the ACE manual. A few trainers at my gym have given me advice that was not correct (not so much wrong, as out of date) and I believe it's because they are young people who learned their thing, got their certificate, but don't keep up with progressions in the science because they are not challenged themselves and their clients are OK with what they are doing together. I want someone who is constantly learning and evolving himself.

Still looking for perspective on the certificate programs, but if anyone else wants to sound off on what they look for in a trainer I would like to know that as well.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006, 10:17 AM

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