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anyone on FFP?

Looking for anyone else on the FFP. I am having a great experience with it, however I am finding it too hard to cheat. I was hoping someone else out there was having the same problem. Maybe we can motivate each other?

Thu. Sep 22, 3:22pm

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Call me stupid but what is the FFP?

Friday, September 23, 2005, 1:55 AM

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FFP-Fat Flush Plan

FFP is the Fat Flush Plan. I didn't think to write it out, as I figured that anyone that was on it, would know what it was... :)


Friday, September 23, 2005, 11:08 AM

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so what is the plan???

Friday, September 23, 2005, 8:16 PM

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It sounds cheesy, but it is more of a lifestyle change...

...than a "diet". Basically, you cut out all foods but meat and veggies for two weeks, then you start adding food back in. When you start gaining weight, then you know that your body does not react well with that food, and you should not eat it.

The lady who wrote the book has been studying this for 20 something years, and started trying out her ideas on herself. I have yet to find anyone who actually stuck with it that did not lose weight.

I have been on it for 2 weeks, and lost 10 pounds and 4.5 inches. I know this is mostly water, but considering that I used to work out for 45 minutes a day, 6 days a week for 4 months and I did not gain or lose a single pound...I am amazed and VERY happy with the results. I have not been able to lose the weight from my pregnancy, but this did it.

I can post more info if you are interested. The best way is to get the book, however. It is the Fat Flush Plan by Ann Louis Gittleman. You can also go to the link below, however I found all that info way too confusing without reading the book first.

And just to forwarn you, it is presented in a very cheesy, info-mercial kind of way, but the idea behind it is wonderful! :)


Wednesday, September 28, 2005, 8:51 AM

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