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Job advice...OT
I need some advice. I have been at the same company for 5 years. With the same department for 1.5 years. I went on an interview with another department and they are offering me the job. The thing I didn't know, going into the interview, is that they can't offer more for a lateral (same position title) move.
I don't know if I should burn the bridge with the department I have now without a pay raise. Also, the job I have now has some pros and cons. Pros being flexible with time, boss is hardly around, time at lunch to go to gym. Con's being boss is never around and work piles up while waiting for her to make decisions, also my bf works in the same department. This is a con because of arguements and that we can't tell anyone we are together. The pros and cons of the new job are all unknown. Please advise!
Wed. Oct 4, 3:15pm
I would say, if BF is in that department it is most wise to stay where you are. Less drama, and less risk to both of your careers. Some companys hate to have people date, and what not.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006, 3:22 PM
i think the bf is in the CURRENT department. i agree that you should not work together. i would try out the new offer.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006, 3:25 PM
Why did you interview for the new position?
If it was only for increase in your pay rate then maybe you should stay-- if there is a different motivator (like to get a way from your bf or to learn a different department to increase your value/experience) then maybe you should make the move. FYI- If you're bored and ready to move on you should; esspecially since you can burn bridges in other ways (like having personal arguments at work). This is more likely to happen when you're not focused on your preformance because the job doesn't excite you anymore.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006, 3:27 PM
OP here. You guys are great. I knew you would reply and it would make sense. My bf is in the current department. I interviewed because of many things 1. my boss is not around to make decision/help when needed (not her fault, she is pulled in 20 different directions) 2. My bf and I had an arguement (not at work but not talking carries over to work and is a distraction) and a lot of times I give into him and I don't think I would if I didn't see him everyday 3. I wanted better pay
The only thing holding me back is the perks of my current department. I can easily walk to the gym at lunch. I can take 1.5 hour lunches. I can study for college at work. I can get to work 5 mins late or leave 5 mins early and no one cares. I can talk to/see my bf at work. I can be on PT at work. AND I don't know if I will be able to do any of this at the new department.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006, 3:47 PM
3:27 here
sounds like you're very comfortable in your current job. If the benefits (ie gym, homework, PT access :) , etc) are more important to you now- don't move because there is no pay benefit.
If you are ready to start working, then go for the new job. But if you aren't doing it for potental promotions later and you'ld like to concentrate on school and such stay where you are.
Just a few tips on working w/ the bf (I have for several years and I currently work in the same office as my dad)You should have a setof rules ahead of time to ensure that niether one of you act in a non-professional manner when at work. It sounds like you already have something like this. Keep in mind that people do have disagreements or get angrey with co-workers (so don't think you're giving your relationship status away by being angrey with him) the trick is to not let your angry-ness interfear with your working relationship. Treat him as you would a co-worker that made you angrey in some way- polite, but not obvious.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006, 5:03 PM
Just went and met with the potential new boss about the job duties etc. She stated a lot of nice things about the work environment. I will even have an office which is a perk. I currently sit at a front desk and people think I am the secretary. The potential boss did not really ooutline the job duties and she said "special projects" quite a few times. She is also hiring 2 temps so I am a little afraid work will be scarce.
3:27 both jobs offer the same promotion potential. They are essentially the same job title just doing different duties.
I am a little more confused and unsure now =(
Wednesday, October 04, 2006, 5:24 PM
One thing to consider when moving onto a new careful not to take a new job just for a change of things...especially if it's a lateral move. If things are ok with your current job...and you get bored with it now and then, it may be wise to stay put. You do not want to appear to be someone that gets bored and wants to move on. Having worked a year and a half, then changing positions to a similar job could appear to future potential employers as being someone that jumps around (non-committing). I'm sure you're looking for a promotional opportunity sometime in the, stay put as long as you can to show your tenacity and dedication. It will pay-off. Of course, if you have true issues about your current position, you definitely owe it to yourself to make needed changes...but don't just switch because the grass looks greener from the other side. All positions have pros and cons, and it's easy to anticipate pros when you're looking for a change (call it wishful thinking).
Thursday, October 05, 2006, 6:52 AM
What kind of an industry are you in?
Thursday, October 05, 2006, 7:07 AM
6:52am I have thought about that many times. I typically work for about 2 years and then move on to learn something new. I don't feel like this will be too much of a problem though because I am working toward my degree and when I get it, I should be able to take another position. Thats 3 years out though.
7:07am I do accounting work for the state governement.
I am more confused than ever. I am going to take all day today to think about it. I am afraid to burn bridges but I think the opprotunity is a good one.
Thursday, October 05, 2006, 9:09 AM
Can someone send me some strength? I am going to give my 2 weeks notice in about 30 minutes. Its that time of month, I am very emotional, had a fight with bf already this morning and we aren't talking. HELP!
Friday, October 06, 2006, 9:44 AM
3:27 again...
Usually things happen for a reason... the fight with your bf, big sign... plus you've decided to put in your 2-weeks that's terrific! Point is you made a choice- even though it wasn't the easiest.
You know that saying: "The things you regret the most are the chances you didn't take"??? Well that is exactly what you're doing- you're taking a change and going with the unknown.. that's admirable and says a lot about the kind of person you are (someone who isn't afraid to do what needs to get done to be the best at what you do). So don't be emotional and let outside influences prevent you from doing what you know is right.
Hang in there! Don't think about your bf and the stupid fight-- think about all the doors you'll be opening soon and about what you need to do to get mentally ready for this new position. Change is good- it means you're growing!!!
Friday, October 06, 2006, 9:57 AM
the fight should have no bearing on you day at work...that's a good reason to be changing departments. take a deep breath of two, keep your chin up, dig deep and grab hold of the confidence you know you have and gracefully move out of the old and into the new...remember not to burn any bridges...we are all rooting for you!!
Friday, October 06, 2006, 10:06 AM
I think you are happy in your current position and should stay -- sounds like the perks are great. Don't let the BF be the reason you leave!
Friday, October 06, 2006, 10:07 AM
Well I went to give my 2 weeks and it went worse than I could have possibly expected. My boss told me that the department I am moving to doesn't do any work. They hire temps at $30/hour and they do all the work. She was made that I am leaving during audits and they will have to interview and hire someone else. Guess I made the right decision by her reaction.
Friday, October 06, 2006, 11:46 AM
3:27...I just wanted to say thank you for all of your support. I don't know you but you have been a great help to me and I am sure you are to others too.
Friday, October 06, 2006, 12:19 PM
good luck to you, op!! i think you have the power to enjoy or dislike your up-coming position. a new environment with an office is a great way to welcome in the season of change-autumn. keep us posted with your success and/or concerns!!
Friday, October 06, 2006, 12:22 PM
I am a Director for my company and do a great deal of hiring. First if you can describe to your current manager the growth opportunities that the new position offers, no manager worth her salt should stand in your way. You are not burning a bridge because you seek growth. If you current manager sees it differently then burn the bridge and move on. She is not a manager you want to work with long term.
Second, if you can't clearly describe the new opportunities then you should have a discussion with the hiring manager to better understand the position. If there are not real growth opportunities then maybe the move is not the best idea.
Third thougth...You already described a problem in your current department with you productivity losses due to your bosses inability to make decisions or her lack of availability. Can you speak with her about taking on more to assist. More empowerment, more decision making, more responsibility leads to growth and career advancement. I promise you, speaking from experience, if you think things are being delayed because of her workload, so is she. Offer to take on some project or tasks.
Forth thought, the! I don't mind people dating people at work but working closely together is a guaranteed path to disaster. If the dueling interactions (work/personal) don't damage the relationship then the eventual discover, blame, speculation etc. will harm your work enviroments and careers. For this reason alone I would consider the move. Again I don't see anything wrong with two people working at the same company but not in the same deparment no matter how large it might be.
Friday, October 06, 2006, 12:45 PM
Thank you 12:45 poster, that is very inciteful information. I knew the bf working together thing wasn't working. I knew the boss being way to busy wasn't working. I feel like I made the right decision. I did take the job, gave my two weeks notice today. On 10.23.06, I should be in my own office learning new things and expanding my horizon. Thanks for all the support.
Friday, October 06, 2006, 4:53 PM
Based on the little info that you shared I think you made a wise choice. Make the most of it!
Friday, October 06, 2006, 6:00 PM
Director-One more question. I am supposed to sit down with my boss' boss (comptroller) for an exit interview. Would it be wise for me to tell him the real reason I am leaving or just say it is for better opprotunities? I don't want to burn bridges but I also don't want the department to continue on with my boss who is just way to overwhelmed with work (she is working 7 days a week and not able to function as a manager because of all the work on her plate).
Monday, October 09, 2006, 8:59 AM
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