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i once lived without a tv for about 3 years. i was in such better shape than i am in now. although i was living in the mountains then and had many area hiking trails, i think the tv has a lot to do with it. i don't have a set schedule for shows that i watch, but i do flip around and get sucked in pretty often. somehow i think it contributes to exercising less. any one else dealing with this?

Thu. Oct 5, 12:32pm

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No longer have one

This a big thing for me. I feel aweful after watching TV, but I know if I have one I'll be sitting on my growing behind in front of it night after night. So when I went back to school I got rid of it because I was afraid I wouldn't keep up with my studying if I had one.

Best decision I have ever made in my life - I have never looked back.

I am so much more active and social and engaged with other people and the world around me. I read more, I exercise more, I go out more and when it comes to relaxation I can truly relax and enjoy it. TV is not productive and watching it always makes me feel sluggish and slightly guilty which in turn leads to other little self-indulgent behaviors. I do miss the Daliy Show occasionally, but not enough to allow a TV back in my house again.

Thursday, October 5, 2006, 1:12 PM

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You know what I do? I only watch TV after I have exercised. It feels good to get my work out done and sit down to watch some of my favorite shows. Now I don't sit down and watch hours of TV EVER, I just can't do it. I am an active person and I just can't stand to sit for long periods of time so it's not a problem for me.

Thursday, October 5, 2006, 1:17 PM

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Get a piece of excercise equipment and put it where you can see the TV. I actually find TV is a big motivator for me. I want to excercise I want to watch TV... but excercise is so boring by itself.. but wait Greys Anatomy is on tonight so I'm going to be riding for a full hour instead of 30-45 minutes tonight!

Thursday, October 5, 2006, 4:47 PM

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I got rid of cable (and live in a building with no reception for the regular channels), and I am so much more productive and less likely to sit and veg (and eat) for hours on end. I have netflix, and I regularly get old seasons of tv shows to watch, but for whatever reason (maybe the lack of commercials?), I find it much easier to control the amount of that kind of TV that I watch.

1:12pm poster - I agree with you completely!

Thursday, October 5, 2006, 5:38 PM

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I go along the same lines as the 1:17 poster. I have a Tivo and I can't watch any of the shows I've recorded until I've worked out. If I want to know what happens next on LOST I'll have to exercise. LOL :)

Friday, October 6, 2006, 1:16 AM

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TV Helps Me Lose Weight!

I agree with the 1:47 poster. Put a piece of cardio equipment in front of the TV -- elliptical, treadmill, bike and exercise during all of your favorite shows. It has helped me tremendously! Especially when I see the amazing bodies of the actresses and models. Just knowing that they their hard work (exercise) has given them that body -- and I can do it too. Don't watch ANY TV unless you are exercising and the pounds will melt away!

Friday, October 6, 2006, 10:51 AM

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tonight when i get home from work i am moving my eliptical trainer in front of the tv. thanks for the advise!

Friday, October 6, 2006, 1:04 PM

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