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Slimfast...New Thread
I know there are other threads about Slimfast and I have looked them up but I figured maybe someone has had a new experience since then....
Did it work for you? How much did you lose? What products did you use? What were the side effects?
I'm thinking of starting the slim fast diet tommorrow and was just curious...thanks!
Tue. Oct 10, 12:16pm
i just still believe that "slim slow" is the only way to go for long term results and good eating habits.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 12:24 PM
12:24 poster - the poster wants experiences not opinions.
To the OP: I didn't find Slimfast particularly helpful because liquids just aren't as filling as solid food. However, since I like the taste, I occasionally drink half a serving as a healthy way to satisfy a chocolate craving.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 1:22 PM
okay, from my experience, "slim slow" is the way to go. it promotes a regular meatbolism, better long-term results and healthy eating habits.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 1:31 PM
I've never found it helpful as a weightloss thing, but in the summer when I'm too hot to eat in the middle of the day it at least insures that I get some nutrition and some calories in me at that time.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 1:43 PM
Not entirely sure if this is 'new' or just reinforces any previous threads, but I had positive results with it. However, I'm not entirely sure I would recommend it even though it worked for me.
I used Slim fast for 6 weeks; 1 shake for breakfast, another for lunch, a mid-morning snack of fruit, a piece of fruit with lunch, an afternoon snack of 1 cup veggie soup and a healthy dinner usually consisting of something like 4-6 oz of lean chicken or fish, 3 servings of veggies and 1 small potatoe or 1/2 cup rice. I could have a 100 cal dessert if I so chose. Additionally I added a daily 2 mi walk. I lost 15 pounds and proceeded to continue to lose after I phased out the shakes. The first 2 weeks I was pretty hungry by the time my afternoon snack rolled around, but I stuck with it and got used to the portions and found the last 4 weeks to be very smooth. By that time I had lost most of the weight I wanted to and I replaced breakfast with something a bit more filling, cut out the morning snack (because half the time I never had time to eat it) and then replaced the lunch shake with a sandwich or chicken 'n veggie wrap made with either lite whole wheat bread or a low-carb tortilla respectively.
Slim Fast really set up a good structure for my day and once I went off I easily replaced the shakes with nutritious food and thought "That was so close to eating regular food, why didn't I?", but somehow I never could. This was a narrowly-defined set of guidelines for losing weight and once I had mastered losing weight with the Slim Fast recommended way of eating I was easily able to expand on that slightly to use regular food instead of meal replacement shakes. However I should note that I had success and have kept the weight off because I was truly commited to changing my lifestyle not because I was looking for a quick fix and then back to my old habits.
My advice based on my experience is to carefully examine your motivations for using this plan or any other. Are you commited to permanently changing your life and the way you eat? Because if deep down you are just waiting for the day when you can go back to eating anything you want, then this will only be an experience in frustration.
Good luck with whatever course of action you decide on.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 2:33 PM
There is something more satisfying about actually chewing and swallowing food. I agree with the 1:22 pm poster - the slim fast shakes are not very filling. When I drank them, I felt hungry again in 15 minutes.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 3:31 PM
I have been on the slimfast plan for 4 weeks and the first 2 weeks I have lost but the last 2 weeks i havent lost anything.. Can anyone tell me why?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 1:03 PM
What are you eating for your snacks and/or meals? You can do Slim Fast and still overeat.
Honest to God, I knew someone who drank the Slim Fast in addition to 3 squares and a few snacks! He was just following the slogan: Drink Slim Fast, Lose Weight.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 2:10 PM
what im eating
I have a shake for breakfest
snake i have a rice cake
lunch a shake and a little salad
snack apple
dinner grilled chicken, salad mixed vegs baked potato and 1 slice of wheat bread
then snake at night rice cake..
Is that to much? what should I do?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 4:21 PM
Have you calculated how many calories that is? What are the calories for your salad dressing, what do you put in that salad? How many calories is that potato? Are there any toppings for it? How many oz. chicken and is there any marinade or topping for the chicken? How many calories is that bread. That relatively simple dinner can add up quick and it doesn't always have to feel like you ate a whole lot of food to push you into maintenance mode. If you haven't, do some calculations and measurements - it may surprise you.
HTH - it may just be a matter of paring down your dinner just a little bit to start seeing results.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 4:38 PM
You are only supposed to have 2 shakes a day... I am not sure if your "snake" at night is a shake or a snack...
Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 4:41 PM
added it up
I am having about 1100 calories a day is that ok?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 6:42 PM
yes, 1100 is good. maybe try releasing insulin fewer times per day. Make 50% your snacks carb free....
Thursday, February 19, 2009, 7:17 PM
do you know some snacks that are carb free? Thanks for the info
Thursday, February 19, 2009, 9:56 PM
I drink Slimfast in the morning and at night simply because I usually have no appetite and I need some sort of nourishment. I've certainly lost weight, but I think I would lose more if I ate real food.
Saturday, February 21, 2009, 7:55 AM
slim fast diet 1 week
hi there can anyone tell me when did you start seeing the weight loss and you know the sf powder how much scoops do you use 2 scoop the one that comes in the can ...
Thursday, February 23, 2012, 8:32 AM
I started on this diet yesterday
I started on Slimfast yesterday. I hope this works. I am having 2 shakes to replace breakfast and Lunch. having 2 snack bars one after breakfast and one after lunch. Looking fwd to see if this works. Planning to exercise 3 times a week!
I did try this last year and didn't - simply because I didn't follow it properly.
Thursday, May 31, 2012, 9:06 AM
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