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Managing a hiatal hernia or Acid Reflux (GERD)
I sure could use some tips on dealing with one. I have heard eat smaller portions, eat less. Well, at least that is additional incentive for my diet. Any one got something they have tried that helped? One thing helping me is taking some ginger root capsules. For now, that and the smaller portions is what I am trying. I always prefer natural remedies to meds. But, I will take meds if that is what I must do.
Wed. Oct 11, 3:20pm
smaller portions and eating less. That sums it up.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 3:21 PM
this may not sound too appetizing, but it works! if you make a zucchini broth and sip it after a meal it really calms the stomach juices. i have dealt with this type of problem for many years, tried many medication and spent a lot of dough. finally, i went the homeopathic route and have been relieved since. asparagus broth works, too (can cause an odd odor in your urine). don't eat raw greens, they take a lot to break down. cut out caffeine, alcohol, carbonated beverages and spicy and citrus foods. gradually add back into your diet as the sympyoms start to go away. and at night, try elevating your head with a couple of pillows if you experience reflux then.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 3:41 PM
OP here. Thanks for the feedback. I don't have any food or acid to back up into my esophagus that I can tell. I only have gas that causes me to burp, but the burps are 'dry' and chronic/frequent. Today I have done well due to implementing controlled portion size and ginger root. The real test will be on my drive home. It is wierd, but the car's motion aggravates the condition terribly. Uh, is Homer Simpson in the car or what?...No, it's just me. Right now I am just glad me and MBH work opposite shifts so he doesn't have to be turned off by such loud burps. Not feminine at all.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 3:50 PM
OP again....I will try your tips! :-)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 3:52 PM
My husband has suffered from Acid Reflux and Gerd. We have tried a lot of things and they don't work. Ultimately medication has been his only saving grace. Some of the things we tried; however, were yogurt, lots of water, small meals (his stomach digests slowly) and sleeping with his head elevated with pillows or just raising the head of your bed. I don't know if that will help or not, but it's an inexpensive route.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 4:47 PM
Based on your description I would not be so sure you have GERD. My mother suffered from GERD for years, has been on numerous medications and has had to have surgery and has Barret's espohagus as a result, so I am very familiar with the symptoms and possible symptoms of it since I did a lot of research for her. What you describe so far is not GERD which is specifically acid coming up in your esophagus. If you do not have this as a symptom but instead are chronically belching it could actually be the opposite - your body may not be producing enough stomach acid and doesn't break down food very efficiently thus causing quantities of gas as a by-product which come out as belches.
The chronic, dry belching is something that happens to me frequently. I control it by eating smaller quantities, chewing my food very thoroughly, eating more slowly, only sipping little bits of water during meals and avoiding acidic foods like onions (which really aggravate it for me) or greasy foods which are hard for the stomach to break down. However whether or not this is what is causing your issues is difficult to say, but have you considered this possiblity?
I am including a link to the basic information about GERD. Accurately diagnosing it as your problem is the best way to figure out how to go about living with it, and if there is one thing I learned from going through this with my mother it is that everyone has their own wildly different triggers and ways of coping so you are your own best judge of what's best for you in this case. Also, if you have not done so already do consider seeing a health care provider who is familiar with GI issues and won't jump to the most popular diagnosis of the day.
BTW, licorice root is also great for stomach issues.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 5:40 PM
OP here...Thanks for the feedback. I have seen my GP. She immediately thought I had GERD and said to try Prevacid, which didn't work for me. The only reason I know of hiatal hernias is from a nurse friend who has been in the field for years. My doc did say that if the Prevacid didn't work that I'd need an upper and lower GI. I am hoping to remedy the situation so I don't have to do that. I have been battling it for two months now, so I am about to give in to the GIs. I think I will ask to be referred to a GI specialist.
I will get some licorice root! Thanks. Switched to green tea today, too. I read tha coffee can aggravate and green tea can sooth.
Thursday, October 12, 2006, 8:26 AM
I do have recently diagnosed GERD and proton pump inhibitors are a godsend. The other recommendation is to raise the head of the bed 6 inches. How have you done it? I sleep on my stomach, so pillows don't work. I just imagine a big crash in the middle of the night as the wheels/ feet of the bed frame tip off the 6x6? Is there anything commercially available?
Saturday, October 14, 2006, 12:00 AM
I was at Bed, Bath and Beyond (Texas) the other day and they have Bed raisers that elevate your bed about six inches. Maybe you could just use two at the head of the bed.
Saturday, October 14, 2006, 7:43 AM
OP here - well the past couple of days I have controlled my portions, cut out coffee and replaced it with green tea. Had to take maalox a couple of times the first day and once yesterday. Any way, the belching has subsided, even on my commute. I drank iced green tea during my commute. Anyway, I am praising God for it!! I will let you know how the weekend goes.
Saturday, October 14, 2006, 7:47 AM
Op here...update of my issue...
Bad stomach gas for three months now. I have tried practically every OTC med. Plus, Rx Prevacid. No help. I am eating smaller portions, no fried foods, cut out coffee, wearing looser clothes.
Several folks bet I have a hiatal hernia.
I have made many changes and reaped some improvement. However, there is something about the drive home. The motion of the car aggravates my condition. Not as bad in the morning on an empty stomach. But, even if I eat nothing after lunch and take anti-acid/anti gas OTC meds, my stomach fills with gas and I feel full and start burping constantly. By the time my commute is over, I am miserable and it takes me an hour or two to recover when I get home.
Anyway, I am going in for an upper GI on Monday morning. I can't keep going like this. I don't have any "back-wash". Just LOTS of gas causing Homer Simpson Burping.
I seems to clear up on the weekends, but, it comes right back on my commute.
Friday, October 27, 2006, 11:16 AM
I have been both Gerd and an hiatial hernia and my main sympton is acid reflux. I take Prilosec OTC and it works, however after losing 40 pounds has helped more than the medication. Have you been checked for H-Pylori? It is a bacteria in the stomach and causes burping, among other symptons. I have a friend who has it and she was bothered only by excessive burping and bloating. It is found with a breath test. Good luck to you.
Monday, October 30, 2006, 8:07 AM
Thanks. I will mention that to my doctor. I am supposed to call her today to find out the report on my Upper GI x-rays. Radiologist did say no signs of a hernia, tho.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006, 4:52 AM
OP here. Awaiting more tests, but it looks like I have problem with my gall bladder, so not a hiatal hernia or gerd after all.
Thanks all!
Sunday, November 05, 2006, 3:21 PM
Gall bladder and GERD
to OP How are you doing with the GERD? I was born without a gallbladder that I happened to find out the hard way with msny re-occuring conditions like the ones that folks talked about on the links. Now having a crisis and need help.
Lef me know what is happening.
Thursday, May 10, 2007, 7:19 PM
Hiatal Hernia
I have a hiatal hernia
I suffered with it for an entire year. Had heart palpations and constant burping. Some gerd also...
Oh yeah... I had the scope done too... no fun.
I was soooo miserable and I tried all sorts of medications.
I finally went and saw a naturalpathic doctor and she had me lay on my back and she pushed her fingers into my belly area .... I actually laughed... I had no idea what she was going to do... she wiggled them back and forth and pulled downward.
I felt something kind of snap inside of me. A lump that I didn't even notice I had had in my throat disappeared and I could breathe soooooooo much easier.
She actually pulled my stomach back down.
No more heart palpatations... no more gerd and thank God no more burping!
I was so relieved and thankful to her.
HOT TIP - Okay, so she gave me some advice for the future, because I am overweight and having belly fat can push the stomach back through the hole in the diaphragm....
so this is what you do.
Get up in the morning, and drink a big glass (or 2 ) of water. Drink as much as you feel comfortable with. This will act as a weight in your stomach.
Now find somewhere solid to stand (cement steps work great for me). Put your feet together and stand up on your toes. Now bring yourself downward forcefully onto your heels. The sudden stop when your heels both hit the floor together will use gravity to pull your stomach down.
Do this over and over until you feel relief. It helps if you can relax your diaphragm also.... try not to be tense.
So stand up on your toes and drop your heels down fast and hard and wait a second, then raise yourself back up on your toes and bring down your heels hard.
I know the pain you all are going though, and I hope I have been of help to someone... anyone... anywhere....
Good luck to you all,
Tuesday, June 17, 2008, 4:56 AM
Hernia Troubles
I think that if the problem persists you should seek medical treatment! Doesn't sound too good... :(
Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 10:11 AM
Which medication works better for Acid Reflux?
I suffer from Acid Reflux and I wanted to know, which medication works better, Dexilant or Omeprazole?
Sunday, April 14, 2013, 7:15 AM
Acid Reflux,Omeprazole/?a=s
Sunday, April 14, 2013, 7:16 AM
Prilosec (omeprazole) is the most widely taken drug for GERD, stomach acid...
Have you tried Beano?
Friday, May 03, 2013, 1:18 AM
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