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could this be a sign of diabeties or something else??
Today I had blured vision and then spots came before my eyes they started out gold and kind of diamond shaped about 10 min later they changed to rainbow colors and then it was getting hard to see My mom said to drink around 3 glasses of ice water really fast that my sugar was up this has never happend to me before I was in complete panic so I was heading to the ER when my vision returned to normal and with time I felt normal again the whole thing lasted for around 20 min during the time I could not see out of the side of my eyes. I know I should had went on to the ER because I was really feeling funny although I knew alot of it was also from panicing Does this sound like my sugar was high I also got a really bad headache after things began to return to normal. Have any of you experienced any thing like this IF so please share or if this sounds like symptoms of something please share.
Wed. Oct 11, 8:57pm
I'm not sure if it was the same thing... I described mine to my doctor as a halo of prism lights that were kind of flashing...
It was more of an arc shape that moved through my field of vision and then disappeared after an hour or so.
I was SURE I was going blind and was very afraid. Of course when it stopped, I told myself I'd see a doctor, but put it off... until...
A few months later when it happened a second time and was more of a circle, but again moved through my field of vision, much faster this time.
So off to the doctor I went. I even drew a picture to try and explain... he just smiled... because he knew exactly what I was trying to describe...
He told me it was a classic symptom that appears before migraine headaches and was surprised when I told him I did not get any headache after these episodes and sent me for a cat scan just to be sure.
But he checked me out for lots of other things too...
SO - it could be migraine related, but I'd say you may want to just check with your doctor to rule out any other possibilties Why take chances?
Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 9:22 PM
Thank you so much I did get a head ache after wards and the objects were moving very fast I can remember thinking there was a ceiling fan going in my head the objects were moving so fast I did get a headache after just not so bad that motrin would not take care of it. Thanks I will be making a appt tomorrow
Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 10:27 PM
It does sound like a migraine. I used to get a lot of migraines with the visual disturbances like you describe, but vomiting and no headache at all. Headache-less migraines aren't the most common kind, but they aren't rare either.
Definitely do go to the doctor, though, and i hope that you are just fine!
Thursday, October 12, 2006, 12:15 AM
Go to your doctor and get a thorough check up.
Thursday, October 12, 2006, 8:41 AM
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