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Are you traveling for your job and struggling to stay healthy?

I have to travel for my job and it makes it so hard for me to stick to a routine...eating right (I am trying to lose 25 pounds) or exercise. The challenges are everywhere -- grabbing a bite while running through an airport to catch a plane, being in endless meetings in rooms with only pastries and coffee in the back, not being able to have a regular gym routine every day. I have a pretty good reoutine set up for when I get home, and I keep a full refrigerator with healthy, but sometimes I am just too tired or stressed and the last thing I want to do is get up early for the gym after getting in on a late flight or I eat a little pizza to make me feel "better." Sound familiar to anyone else? ..Want to join the group -- or at least add some suggestions? Handy tips?

Group is: Traveling and losing weight


Wed. Sep 28, 7:34am

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A tip - buy a DVD and a VHS workout video - most hotel rooms have either a DVD player or a VHS - and travel with both, always. Then you can do a video in your room while you're traveling.

Another tip is to pack energy bars or something else portable for breakfast and eat it in your hotel room while you're getting ready, so when you're in the conference room with the donuts, etc., you're not really hungry. Choose salads with lean protein - i.e. grilled chicken or shrimp - for meals out, and stick to light dressing or order it on the side. And an occasional piece of pizza is not going to hurt! An occasional entire pizza may hurt... So just make sure to savor it in slow, small bites and only eat a little!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005, 8:07 AM

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If you are in the midwest/south

It can be especially frustrating. I swear they eat nothing but fried foods white bread and cheese.

I pretty much survive on protein bars, plain salad (when available, a lot of places will give you a hunk of lettuce and a couple of slices of tomato with thousand island and call that a salad). If you get a per diem, order the healthy stuff in the restaurant. Pack tea bags from expensive places to avoid the foul, foul coffee at client sites.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005, 11:02 AM

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