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Last bit of weight to lose

I have been about 4-9 pounds from my goal weight (4 from my goal and 9 from my ultimate, not sure if it's attainable!) for over a month now. I eat right for the most part, exercise on a regular basis (cardio and weights) and really haven't changed anything over that past month or so- but I'm just stuck

I'm willing to adjust anything in my routine I have just run out of ideas! I mix up my cardio and do different things, drink plenty of water, etc.
Any ideas would be much appreciated!!!

Mon. Oct 16, 5:09pm

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ive been stuck 5 lbs from my gaol for 4 months...i cant wait to hear some ideas

Monday, October 16, 2006, 5:39 PM

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First, join our group

It's meant for Wieght Watchers, but anyone close to goal is welcome.

But whether or not you do that, here are some suggestions (from someone who has less than a pound to go):

- mix up the diet a bit too - add protien, reduce carbs, whatever - do something different without overdoing
- keep up the exercise - the benefits come over the long term

I"ll try to think of others....


Monday, October 16, 2006, 11:00 PM

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cut out wheat, dairy and artificial sugars for 2 weeks and see if that helps. Alternatives to wheat include: spelt, quinioa, amaranth, rice, buckwheat, kamut, barley, oats, and rye. (So you can still get whole grains without wheat!!!) It's only 2 weeks of your life, give it a try, and see if you don't feel better and lose a little more wieght.

Monday, October 16, 2006, 11:25 PM

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To 11:25

OP here:
Do you think that I would gain the weight back once I start eating those things again? I have tried not to cut anything out of my diet that I can't cut out forever.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006, 11:38 AM

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I think if you wean yourself back on them slowly you probably wouldn't gain weight. You might also find that if you go two weeks without them, you will a) find you enjoy the healthier alternatives and add them to your diet, and b) you don't miss the dairy or wheat as much.

My personal thoughts are a) some things aren't necessary and therefore should be cut out- I'm a hard ass though with more of a suck it up mentality that doesn't work for most people. I also think that if you get to your ideal weight by doing that, you can then judge whether or not your chosen ideal weight is worth what it takes to maintain.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 8:28 PM

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