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Best ways to stay in shape with an injury??

I am generally very active. I am a runner, I do yoga, I swim, I play soccer. I just broke my toe about two weeks ago now and now I am completely off it for the next 6 weeks (and counting...). It's really frustrating not to be able to do anything right now! I organize a soccer group and while it's still fun to watch, I'd much rather be playing for sure....

I am trying to figure out ways I can stay in shape during my down time. I would say it's very difficult right now for me to get any sort of aerbic exercise given the nature of the injury.... don't know, but I was thinking maybe others out there have experienced a similar type of injury where you've had to stay off it for a length of time and what did you do?

I am no longer on crutches so I can walk, that is at least something, but given the ammount and level of activity I'm used to I'm trying to figure out (a) how to stay in shape so I don't come back being completely out of it and (b) how to get some sort of aerobic exercise with this type of injury, I don't belong to a gym, by the way.

Any ideas or suggestions? Other thoughts about dealing with an injury?


Sat. Oct 21, 2:48am

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Do you have a recumbent bicycle? Doing something that will get your heart rate up is the challenge. The you can use free weights for an upper body work out. Good luck..been there.

Saturday, October 21, 2006, 9:47 AM

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When I sustained a terrible back injury I had the same dilema. I became a bike fanatic (stationary bike). Wondering if this might be possible with a broken toe?

Saturday, October 21, 2006, 9:48 AM

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The rowing machine at the gym involves minimal pressure on your toes.
Swimming is a great cardio option, assuming your toe isn't all bloody.
Pilates would be significantly easier than yoga for your toes (no down-dog).

Saturday, October 21, 2006, 10:43 AM

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water excersice. like walking in the water. keep it simple.

Saturday, October 21, 2006, 12:16 PM

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I think that bike (recumbent or normal type) should be ok with a broken toe, although choice of footwear is an issue. I wore bike shoes once for about a 15 mile trip with a broken toe (on my real commuter bike) and it wasn't pleasant getting the shoe on and off, but probably better for me while it was on (stiff shoe, no flexing of the toe when you put pressure on the pedal). I'd keep the RPMs up and the force light to minimize flexing, and I think I don't recommend a real bike on real roads, but if you're not in traffic it may be OK..

Saturday, October 21, 2006, 9:39 PM

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I had foot surgery and can't do the treadmill, NordicTrack, or anything putting stress on my foot for at least 8 weeks. But at 4 weeks my doctor told me that I could do bike riding so I have been doing that. It feels great to exercise again and doesn't bother my foot. I even biked wearing a surgical boot!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006, 9:51 AM

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Swim, swim, swim! Take a deep water aerobic class if can find one - very challenging!

Thursday, October 26, 2006, 4:58 AM

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i had a stress fracture in my foot and was layed up for 9 weeks, however, i went to the gym (on crutches and then in a boot) and used the machines to lift weights. everyone who saw me commented in a very positive way that i was still there and doing the best i could. think of it as your body trying to tell you something and explore other ways of staying in shape-you may find you love to lift. don't dispair you can use your entire body-just not your toe. change is good!

Saturday, November 4, 2006, 11:28 AM

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Thanks, I got injured last week and these are good suggestions. How fast do you have to go on a recumbent bike to get a good workout?

Monday, November 13, 2006, 4:43 PM

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